Saint Louis School has a rich and regal reputation which has been built over the years on the strength, integrity, loyalty and devotion of its alumni. Nowhere is this more evident and obvious than the class gift of $50,000 traditionally given to our school each year by the 50th year Anniversary Class. Quite frankly and honestly, Saint Louis could and would not be what it is today if it were not for the regular influx of these funds each and every year by our generous alumni.
A gift of $50,000 to our school is achievable and “reachable” only through hard work, pre-planning and on-going devotion to our goal. Sure, it is never an easy task to raise monies, but with a bit of forward and proactive thinking, our hardworking and dedicated Class can easily raise the $50,000, and then “go down in history” as yet another 50th year Anniversary Class which “does what it takes” to give Saint Louis the $50,000 it so desperately needs. So, in a few simple words, it’s time to get started, fellow classmates.
As a dedicated, hardworking and focused Class which quite frankly “Bleeds Red and Blue, tried and true,” we need to develop a “game plan” to raise the monies, although admittedly not needed from us for some 20 years from now. To achieve our class goal, I’ve formed a core team with Greg Frey (congratulation on being elected alumni Board of Directors President) and Greg Perry. Our core strategy is this: It no doubt makes logical and perfect sense to take a “slow and steady wins the race” approach to gathering these monies. In this fashion, raising the needed monies over the significant time we have to do it will be an easy task, and one our energetic Class can easily embrace as the worthwhile and noble cause it is. How about this “easy kine” approach, guys?
- A core group of say, 50 Classmates (of the some 250, or about 20%, of us) dedicate ourselves to this cause, and each of us pledge right now to donate a minimum of $40 per year for the next 20 years. To put this in perspective, this equates to about $3.35 PER MONTH!
- These 50 plus guys and their proactive vision will generate a minimum of $2,000 per year, and over the next 20 years, a whopping $40,000 will be collected (or 80 percent of the goal).
- This $40,000 will no doubt grow over time, both by low risk investment interest and more importantly, from additional donations by other Classmates “above and beyond,” the core 50 guys. Similarly, even more monies can be raised via Class get togethers and activities over the next many years. Frankly, “the sky’s the limit” as we develop ways to reach our goal.
As each of you considers whether or not to “step up to the (Crusaders) plate” and become a part of our Class history as a key player in the drive for $50,000, rest assured that the monies to be donated will be well managed, safe and secure, and “when the time comes,” used as our mighty Class sees fit and as we direct. Rest assured, guys, that:
- All monies as received from everyone, every year, will be deposited to a trust account in our Class name, managed and maintained not by any one or more of our Classmates, but by SLS upon the Slopes of Kalaepohaku.
- Convenient ways to donate the money with regularity and consistency will be developed, to include automatic credit card debit. We will be working with SLS to set up automated withdrawals from your credit card or checking account on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
- Annual updates on the status or our account which will include monies raised, interest earned, and special recognitions for those of us who go above and beyond the call.
- Once we reach the $50,000 goal, some 20 years from now, the decision of where the monies should go and how it will be used to benefit SLS will be our Class decision. We will decide together as an energetic and devoted Class how to dedicate our monies to our Alma Mater.
- Our Class donation at our 50th Year Anniversary can be used as “we see fit,” to include capital improvements to SLS, perpetual scholarships in our Class name, development of programs or activities at SLS in our Class name. Again, “the sky’s the limit,” guys.
It’s now time to “step-up,” Class of 1979. On the heals of the energy and “chicken skin” feelings we all had during 30th year Reunion Activities, it’s time to dedicate yourself, each of you, to this worthwhile cause. Become part of our Class History. Join the cause and become a vital and much needed part of our “Class core.” Let us know by filling out the form below and returning it to us ASAP.

There is no limit; so, should we get more than the 50 guys we need to “move this” project forward with passion, then “all the better.” Get this form back to us ASAP, and become a recognized and vital part of both our Class and SLS history!!
Memor et Fidelis,

RUSSELL VALENTE Chair, Class Gift Committee SLHS Class of 1979
Come on, '79ers, let's get on it, and let's join in on this well thought out and planned gifting schedule. As you can see from Russell Valente's very user friendly and easy to understand letter, all we need to do is "jump on board" by completing the "application" and sending it to Valente. Couldn't be any easier, right? I hope that our great & informative blog will soon include a list of those of our Classmates who have stepped-up to commit to this gifting schedule. In a perfect world, EVERY ONE OF US WILL BE ON THE LIST. Let's make it happen, K!?!?!?
Russell,Actually posted something.Baby steps to a bigger and better future.Let's All unite.One way or another.Please comment on these post so we know classmates are out there.Mahalo
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