E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!
Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:
Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Board Meeting 01/06/2010, Wed.
Our first meeting will be held at 7:00pm SLAA. Introduction of new officers and committee chairs. Goals, guidelines and upcoming events. The need for a more efficient way of notifying members. Any other items that may be necessary at that time will be brought up. Open discussion mostly, wanting to see more fellow classmates, please we need your help. Past is the past and let by goners be by goners and goodbyes. Again our common goal should and shall be the class, the class and only the class.
On behalf of SLAA President Greg Frey, SLS Alumni Liaison Russell Valente, the outgoing Board of Officers, President Mark Villanueva, Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael J. Meyer, the Interim Board of Officers, Presidential Nominee Melvin Pilien, Vice Presidential Nominee Karlton Borges. Sports Committee Chair Austin Keanu, Co-Chair Anthony Souza and Co-Chair David Agor. Membership Committee Co-Chair Kreston Aoki, West Coast Chapter Co-Chair Glen Wong and East Coast Chapter Co-Chair Conrad Manayan. Internet and Photo Ops Committee Chair Ben Guttierez and Co-Chair Mark Villanueva. As an interim member, we are still looking for a Treasurer, a Secretary and a Program and Events Committee Chair and Co-Chair...........Please step up, call me, help lead our class into the future, I foresee only good things coming our way..........Aloha!!!
Merry Christmas to all and Have a Happy New Year !!! Karlton 286-8727 or bigkborges@gmail.com
The SLAA Christmas Party !!!
There were numerous raffle gift's won by all. Great entertainment and an overall feeling of total friendship no matter the differrence in ages. Lot's of time and effort went into setting up. This only impressed upon me, that the SLAA has a worthy cause to support and that cause would be us. On behalf of my fellow classmates from the Class of 1979 who could not make it, please let's try next year. For the gang that showed up on Saturday, December 12, 2009, my warmest Aloha and Joyous Wishes to "All and to All a Good Night" .....................Karlton.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Walter Wong Basketball Tournament: Support Dwight '79 And His Varsity BB Team
Mark your calendar for Sunday (12/20) at 6 p.m.: we are trying to contact classmates for this game as a get-together/support event. Please contact Karlton B. if you are interested in participating. It will be at McCabe Gym so you know what that means. (Just a small note, Rex's son is on the team.)
To All '79 Crusaders, The Sports Committee and its members wish you and your family a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Mahalo for supporting,
Sports Committee/AS
Monday, November 30, 2009
Christmas Golf December 13th!
Xmas golf outing at Kapolei golf course on Sunday, December 13th, at 0815. Let me know if you can make it by Dec. 10th.
E-mail ddjcagor@yahoo.com or call 808 277 0396. Hope to see all you hackers there. Have a wonderful holiday season.
David Agor
University of Hawaii's last away game VICTORIOUS !!
That's right, you! UH has pulled one out of the hat, so to speak.
A good sized crowd had settled down into the Crusader Lounge that Saturday afternoon, yep, to cheer on the local boys to victory.
As for our class, attendance was rather surprising. Twelve made the arduous journey through the Mccully-Moiliili area to join our cohorts in food and refreshments. Sir's Souza, Keanu, Centeio, Tito, and Melendy charged up along the left flank of the table. Sir's Puchalski, Mizota, Borges and Pilien cleared the right flank of the table to make way for King Greg and Queen Mia and the court's Jester Nakanishi . I hope you all enjoyed this little knight humor!!!!! Mahalo...........Karlton
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Our Scheduled next Board Meeting.
Just a reminder, there will be a Board meeting at the SLAA Clubhouse on Wednesday, Dec. 02, 2009 @ 7pm. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
There have been no further additions to the nominations list. On 12/02/09, the nominations will be closed and the elections shall begin. You may cast your votes via telephone or email beginning 12/03/09 through 01-05-10. During the January 6, 2010 meeting, the winners shall be announced and our Class business shall officially begin.
Your voting contacts are:
Kreston Aoki @ insuranceguy1979@yahoo.com ,
Ben Gutierrez @ hokupaa@gmail.com ,
Mel Pilien @ mpilien@hawaiiantel.net ,
Michael Meyer @ michaelj.meyer@hawaiiantel.net ,
Mark Villanueva @ markrv@gmail.com ,
Greg Perry @ greg@gotoetc.com ,
Karlton Borges @ bigkborges@gmail.com .
For our brothers on the Mainland,
West Coast Chapter Chair Glenn Wong @ gwong61@msn.com ,
East Coast Chapter Chair Conrad Manayan @ rad0207@yahoo.com .
For our mainland brothers, Glenn and Conrad are your Class representatives. Please offer them any and all assistance you can. I ask the same of all our brothers, to stand up, help us take this to a higher level of participation. One that will make other Alumni Classes envious of the initiative that we're taking to get and improve all relations within the Saint Louis Family.
"Kulia I Ka Nu'u" --"Stride for the Summit" Mahalo.........
Annual SLAA Christmas Party
Hey '79ers,
If interested please contact Karlton B.,so we can reserve a table or two for our class. Another way to support. Don't hesitate, contact Karlton ASAP. The deadline is Tuesday, December 8th.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Update on hard to find classmates!
A happy note for all, Ardivan Najmabadi, Mark Pang, Michael Tanaka and Roy Yoshimura have been located. Ardi is in Las Vegas, sends his aloha, Mark is in Mississippi and sends his regards. Michael is here, teaches @ Damien Memorial High School and all is well. Roy is in Maryland, living with family, doing good, he to says aloha.
Sadly, we still have classmates not accounted for, please if you hear or see anything of them, get their information and contact me at bigkborges@gmail.com or call me 286-8727, leave a message.
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Cullen, Gerard
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Hubert, John
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku J
Lasconia, Michael
Leong, Gerard R K
Loehe, Kurt
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Mallin, Stephen
Martin, Scot A
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn
Smith, Melvin C
Thompson, Michael E.
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
I'm very appreciative of all your efforts that have been directed towards this worthy cause of reuniting our class and continued support will ensure success. Mahalo.............Karlton
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pics From The Vegas Reunion!
Finally, here are some of the photos from Las Vegas, courtesy of Greg Frey.
Greg explains the photos of the hat (above and below): "Mia had made it for me at Las Vegas Lids. She did all the colors. On the back, it says 'LAS VEGAS.' So I had every '79 guy there sign the under brim, but Bino Kanoa had to sign the back tag."
(Click on any photo to enlarge it, then right click to save it to your computer)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Alumni Traditions.......
This is a brief summary of what the Saint Louis Alumni Association expects of us.
Saint Louis School Graduation Ceremony.
It's been a tradition of Saint Louis School to honor the St. Louis Alumni Class that graduated 50, 60 and 70 years ago at their annual Graduation Ceremony, along with that year's graduating class. Each member of the Alumni class being honored is called to receive a diploma, the traditional red and blue silk lei, commemorative medallions, etc. from the Officials of Saint Louis School. The ceremony and honor bestowed on the alumni classes precede the current graduating class and is testimony of the history of Saint Louis School.
St. Louis Class Gift.
Another tradition, which began many years ago, is the "Class Gift" which is a donation of $50,000 or more to the Saint Louis School by the class celebrating its 50th anniversary. This gift of appreciation for the education, guidance and direction that we received at Saint Louis can be a serious burden on the class if not carefully planned and organized well in advance of that milestone. Many classes start their "Class Gift Fund" as early as ten years prior to their 50th Anniversary. In fact the Class of 1992 has already started fund-raising for their "Class Gift Fund". Although this is not the norm, most classes begin as early as ten years and as late as two years prior to their 50th Anniversary. The earlier you start your "Class Gift Fund" - the easier it makes for attaining and exceeding your goal.
Sincerely Submitted by Karlton Borges for SLAA Executive Director Bob Takei.
Update: As of this writing, Russell Valente has drawn out the necessary
forms to start our "Class Gift Account". Keep an eye open for more information as we get it, it will be posted, please be sure to check with your area represenatives. Mahalo.........Karlton
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Constitution and By-Laws Saint Louis High School Alumni Class of 1979
This is something that I wrote up to give us a structured guideline to follow as the years go by. This is nothing permanent, like other documents set up for structured usage, it's subject to changes once a year. This sets up and decsribes the duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This also explains terms of office, appointments and elections. It also warrants the need for Commitees. At this present time there's only a Sports Committee, who's only activity is the Annual Softball Tournament held during the President's Day weekend. The committee assists the SLAA and other classes with play, fun and fellowship.
Other committees are the Membership and Welfare, whose primary concern is the overall welfare of classmates and their immediate families and continual updates of the class roster or as directed by the President. Another committee, the Internet Committee, has dual tasks. Updating of our class blogsite and photographs of all events that our class participates in. Another committee will be the Programs and Events. The responsibilties are to create get togethers for class and families at least every quarter or as the class desires. Examples are family picnics, dinners, multi-family garage sales, fundraisers and the Reunions. The final and most important one is the Finance Committee. The sole responsibility is to set up and implement a plan to set up the Class Gift that is due upon our 50th Reunion. The Treasurer will be in charge of this committee.
We also cover Regular and Associate Membership. Both have an annual fee of $12.00, payable to the SLAA. The Membership Committee will handle that portion of reminding and collection. Associate Membership is for those who had gone to school with us, but did not graduate with us and family members wanting to join our group. It is covered in the SLAA Guidelines......there is more to follow so please keep an eye in the sky and an ear to the pavement. Look left, look right and keep a watch out for our missing classmates. Mahalo........Karlton
Crusader found.
You'll be happy to know that a fellow Crusader has been located.
My thanks to Ardi Najmabadhi for resonding to all the inquiries put out via the internet. He's doing great and is now in Las Vegas. Sadly, I ask that you add on to help locate list:
Cullen, Gerard
Loehe, Kurt
Panee, Gary
Pang, Mark
Mallin, Stephen M.
Smith, Melvin C.
Tanaka, Michael
Help spread the word to them or have them contact someone to call me via my email. bigkborges@gmail.com.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Many Thanks To All....
Hats off to all of you that were able to assist me in putting together a new and completely update class roster. Thanks to Tony Souza and Tracy Mizota for getting me started with whatever basic information they had. With that and the SLAA Directory I was able to locate (256) fellow classmates via our Commencement Announcement. Along with Tony and Tracy, the hard core hunters were Larry Go, Malcolm Uehara, Grant Kashiwabara, Greg Frey, Jesse Nakasuji, Glenn Wong, Craig Kawasaki, Eugene Kaneshiro and Andrew Medeiros. My sincerest thank you to all of you for your time spent, it was worth reconnecting with all of you here and abroad. Mahalo................. Karlton
Nominations for Board of Directors now being accepted.
11-04-09, Melvin Pilien has been the only one nominated for the Post. A new post of Vice President was created with the drafting of a new Constitution and By-laws. As of 11-04-09, there has only been one nomination for Vice President and that was Karlton Borges. Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael Meyer have not decided on their respective futures. Nominations will be acepted till 12-2-09. Voting will commence from 12-3-09 through 01-06-10. Results will be posted by 02-03-09 and at that time all newly elected officers shall be sworn in and their respective terms of office will commence.
Cast your vote by contacting the following Ben Gutierrez, hokupaa@gmail.com, Mark Villanueva, markrv@gmail.com, Kreston Aoki, insuranceguy1979@yahoo.com, Glenn Wong, gwong061@msn.com, and Conrad Manayan, rad0207@yahoo.com. In the next blog, I'll post the Constitution and By-Laws all for your review and comments. Again, this is for our benefit, our future as well as keeping our friendship strong and unbreakable. Mahalo.......... Karlton
Upcoming Event for 11-21-09
Come on down to the SLAA Crusader Lounge and join your friends for the last away game of the University of Hawaii. Hibachi style potluck is the theme, pending our headcount, please RSVP by 11/18/09, Wed. Our average attendance has been (9), if we do not get (15) or more, than we'll just have a regular pupu style potluck. Come one! Come all! Having fun with all! Contact me at bigkborges@gmail.com or messsage me at Cellular #286-8727. You may also contact Tony Souza at mrt96734@hotmail.com. Mahalo.............. Karlton.
Add on to Classmates unable to locate.
Please add on to our unable to locate list of classmates:
Lee, Jon Jason or John Jason
Any information, please contact me at bigkborges@gmail.com or call message me at #286-8727. Mahalo................ Karlton.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Remembering Chris Santangelo On the Web
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Missing classmates, help us locate them!
This is a list of classmates we are unable to locate. Can you help us find them?:
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku John
Lasconia, Michael L
Leong, Gerard R K
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Martin, Scott A
Najmabadi, Ardavan M
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn M
Thompson, Michael E
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
**Please notify me at bigkborges@gmail.com if you have any information. Your kokua will be appreciated.
Friday, November 6, 2009
November Golf!
Tee Time at Hawaii Prince Golf Club at 10:00 on Sunday, November 15th. Let me know if you can make it by calling me at 277-0396 or email ddjcagor@yahoo.com by Thursday the 12th. I hope to see alot of our classmates there.
Go Crusaders!
Dave Agor.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Halloween Costume at SLAA
Upcoming Event for 11-21-09
On Saturday, 11-21-09 @3pm hst, U of H play's it's last away game. We are planning a shindig to match the festivities that are slowly creeping up on us. This time an RSVP is need by Monday, 11-16-09, the more turnout the better. A hibachi/pulehu type gathering has been chosen, so call in to attend, more that likely open menu, we want to use the room adjacent to the back kitchen, that's why a headcount is needed. If you need any info or response call Tony at mrt96734@hotmail.com or Austin at hipowerdog@aolcom or Karlton at bigkborges@gmail.com Mahalo
Class of '79 Monthly Meeting
All those interested....our class' monthly meeting is going to be on Wednesday, 7pm, 11-04-09 at the Crusader Lounge. I encourage you all to come. At this point in time we are all looking for new ideas and lots of participation. Please show your faith in those who are trying to make a big turn around and get us back to one class. All for one and one for all!!!!
Class of '79 Crusader Lounge 10-31-09
Re: Sat. 10-31-09 U of H game watch at the Crusader Lounge.
Good job and good fun to all that participated. Many mahalo's to all in
attendance. Thanks to Libby and Austin Keanu for their dessert and chicken platters, Albert Nakanishi and Mel Pilien for their assortment of chicken platters, Scott Melendy and Anthony Souza for their monetary contribution to the kitty, William Tito for his shortrib platter and Karlton Borges for his assortment of poke's. Only one costume was decided on, because only one showed up. Albert Nakanishi had his face painted. 1/2 displayed a normal Albert and other 1/2 showed him skeletonized. Again thank you to all who attended. I appreciate all of you and your patience and understanding. Aloha!!!! Karlton
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Aloha, Mr. Foster
I am sorry to report that our former teacher and Dean of Discipline, Lt. Col Thomas Foster, "Mr. Foster" to most of us, passed away on October 19 in Hawaii while surrounded by his family.
Many students remember him patrolling the halls of Kalaepohaku in the seventies; for some he was their "adversary" and others who were fortunate to have him as a teacher remember the stories he would tell of his tours of duty. He was a steadfast supporter of the development of many young boys who arrived at St. Louis into the fine young men that left the campus upon graduation.
For those who can attend, a committal service will be held at The National Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl, November 3rd at 11:30 a.m. Please pass this information on to any of the St. Louis family that he has touched and keep his wife, Ruth; two sons, Thomas, Jr. and Michael; and two daughters, Christine and Denise in your prayers. Thank you for allowing me to share this information with you.
John Ornelles SLHS '80
Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary
Friday, October 23, 2009
Final Reunion Recap
For all of us who participated with most of the events thanks, I had a whole lot of fun, especially reconnecting with everyone, fabulous. Big time Mahalos to Tracy for his undaunted efforts put forward to make all a success. However, there was a $400 shortfall for our banquet night. The shortfall comes from purchasing grabbag/raffle prizes and short on the numbers in attendance. Please guys, don't hesitate, give a donation or contribution to recover some of his shortfall, out of all fairness please kokua. Your comments are appreciated call Karlton @ #286-8727 or email Tony at mrt96734@hotmail.com
mahalo nui..........Karlton
****Comments, please feel free to comment, positive or negative, better or worse, it helps build strength and tightens the bonds of friendship that keeps me going.
November 2009 events
Monthly meetings for the Class of 1979 are held on the first Wednesday of the month. For November, it will be the 4th at 6:30 p.m., with the meeting to start at 7 p.m. I ask that all interested please show up. We all meet with one common bond, to see our class get together as one, We need fresh members, fresh ideas and above all, the desire to keep our class strong.
Currently we have had three officers for the longest time: they are President Mark Villanueva, Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael Meyer. So far we have just one committee and that's the Sports Committee, chaired by Austin Keanu and Co'd by Anthony Souza.
Meetings last for about an hour. again, please attend and voice your opinion. Thank You!
Golf for October 25,2009
Golfing for any interested classmates, Olomana Golf Course, 10/25/09, Sunday. RSVP was scheduled for 10/22/09, Thurs. If you're still interested call David Agor @ #277-0396 or via ddjcagor@yahoo.com
Upcoming Events....for October 2009
For all those interested in the next U of H Warrior game, it's 10/31/09, Saturday @ the Crusader Lounge. Game time is 10:00am, bring your own pupus and we'll purchase beverages from the lounge. Costumes are optional, possible prize for the best costume. RSVP by 10/28/09, Wed. Let Tony Souza know via email mrt96734@hotmail.com or call Karlton Borges @#286-8727 and leave a message.
Friday, October 16, 2009
UH Away Game Get-Togethers
We didn't receive conformation from classmates except (Mel P.) for this weeks game in Idaho (11:00 a.m.) so we didn't reserve space at the St.Louis Clubhouse for any get-together. Even though it's kinda early for drinking, classmates are still welcomed to go to the clubhouse.
Oct 31,2009 is the UH next away game scheduled. Please contact Karlton B.if interested in getting together for that game.
Sports Committee '79 /AS.
Class of '79 Golf Day Sunday Oct. 25th
October 25th at Olomana Golf Links, Tee time at 1030. Check in at 0945. Let me know if you would like to golf by giving me a call at 277-0396 or email me at ddjcagor@yahoo.com or you can send me a msg on Facebook. Hope to see you all there.
Go Crusaders!
David Agor.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Golf Outing This Sunday!
Vegas Reunion Update from Tracy
Vegas, Babe!!! A total of about 17 classmates, spouses, and SO were in attendance for our 30th Reunion in Las Vegas. All I can say is WOW, what a reunion weekend! I would like to thank our classmates Matt & Kate Jordan, Conrad & Terri Manayan, and Anthony Kijowski, who live on the mainland and joined the rest of us who came from Hawaii. From the time we all arrived in Vegas and attended the get together party at the Triple 7 restaurant, to the UH vs. UNLV football game, the craps table, the golf outing, and finally the Sunday dinner at the Bellagio, there was non-stop fun. It was great seeing everyone there and we all had a memorable time spent with each other.
Pictures from the Vegas reunion will be online soon and you will see how much fun it was! For those classmates who couldn't attend this year's Vegas Reunion, you should plan to attend future class events. See you soon!
Much Mahalos,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Badges? Two Classmates With Badges!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
RECAP: Hawaiʻi Reunion Get-Together from Karlton
Hey Gang,
Our get together at the Crusader Lounge on Sept. 19, 2009 to watch the UH vs UNLV football game was lots of fun. Even though UH lost, it did not dampen our spirits. A total of nine showed. There was good seating, good pupus and cold drinks all around. Thanks to Tony SOUZA for taking time off from his daily routine to reserve the tables and a big MAHALO to all that attended. Many thanks to all for your monetary contributions, the pupu’s and your presence. Attending were:
Karlton BORGES
Austin KEANU
Steven SOONG
Anthony “Tony” SOUZA
James and Lolly YEE
Stay in touch, and keep an eye on the blog -- there may be more activities to come. Have any suggestions call me, Karlton @293-9339 or use my email bigkborges@gmail.com or Tony’s email mrt96734@hotmail.com.
Thank you all,
KarltonClass Meeting: Agenda for Oct. 7
Call to Order
Roll Call (who ever is present):
Reading the minutes of the 9-9-09 meeting.
Treasurer’s report.
Committee reports.
Old Business:
Recap of the Las Vegas trip: Tracy Mizota.
Update on the Class Roster: Karlton Borges.
Any other old business.
New Business:
Class of 1979 Board of Directors, Class representative(s), Committee Chairmen, etc. A list should be posted on the blog.
Any guidelines to follow.
Ways to boost participation and communications with our classmates.
Starting a Class Treasury or cash on hand operating budget.
Ways to help improve our membership with the SLAA.
Any other new business.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm, November 4, 2009. If you’re unable to attend please let someone on the Board know.
Meeting Adjourned.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Reunion Weekend: Who's Going?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
UPDATE: Las Vegas 30th Reunion Events
We just had our final meeting for our Las Vegas reunion and for those of you who have last minute passes to attend, then it would be great if you could contact me and let me know when you will be arriving and where you will be staying at. Most of the classmates will be staying at the Golden Nugget Hotel.
- On Friday (9/18/09) we will be golfing around mid morning. Then later that evening we will have our first get together at the Triple 7 Restaurant & Microbrewery at the Main Street Hotel at 7 pm.
- On Saturday (9/19/09) several classmates will be attending the UH vs. UNLV pre-game party, then later the football game.
- On Sunday (9/20/09) we will be golfing in the mid-morning and then later that night will be our Reunion Dinner at 7 pm (a location will be determined by consensus via everyone attending Friday's get together).
My cell is (808) 227-6900 so you can call me if you want to golf or have any other questions before or during our reunion. See you later this week in Vegas Baby!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Join SLAA Now To Support One of Our Own!
This is a HUGE feather in the cap of both GREG & more importantly, the Class of 1979. We can't let this opportunity slip by, however. ALL 1979ers simply must join SLAA, now! What better way to support one of our own then to join SLAA in Masse. Otherwise, we will have one of our Classmates "at the top" without the rest of us there to "back him up". So, call Bob Takei at SLAA to arrange a Membership application. Hey, it's only $12.00 per year.
Class Members Enjoy SLAA Luau At Clubhouse & Crusader Lounge
"First come, First served" allowed a few of our hardworking Classmates to enjoy the Sports Committee's generosity. Classmates Albert Nakanishi & Mel Pilien joined Greg Frey and his wife, Mia, and their eldest daughter, Samantha (SHA 2006), @ the table. Joining this fun group was SLAA President, David Ordenstein '77 and his wife, Vivian. The food was very Ono and the entertainment very good, especially when both Albert & Greg were called up on stage by the comedian (a Kamehameha Schools Grad, no less!) and both made A to the delight of the crowd.
It was good fun, and hopefully in the future, more Classmates can & will join the fun in masse @ SLAA functions.
(Submitted by Greg Frey. Mahalo, Greg!)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hawaii Reunion Get-Together
To RSVP or for more information, call Karlton at 293-9339 or e-mail Tony Souza at mrt96734(@)hotmail.com (remove the parenthesis -- we do that to deter spammers).
Thursday, August 27, 2009
SLAA Alumni Luau This Sunday
Bob Takei
Executive Director
St. Louis Alumni Association
Tel: (808) 949-6633
Fax: (808) 949-6673
Email: slaa001@hawaii.rr.com
Friday, August 21, 2009
Reunion Meeting Recap from Tracy Mizota
It was great to see Karlton Borges, Mel Pilien, David Agor, and Tony Souza at the meeting. We discussed the possible golf and dinner events for the reunion in Las Vegas. David Agor asks that everyone who plans on playing golf in Las Vegas either on Friday/Sunday call him @ 277-0396 or email him ddjcagor@yahoo.com by August 31, 2009 . He needs to get a head count of who is playing when and if you want to rent clubs ($40-75) at the courses.
The reunion committee will have one last meeting on Wednesday Sept. 9, 2009 @ 6:30 pm at the St.Louis Alumni Clubhouse before we leave the following week. See you there!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Class Meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 19!
This month's class meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 2009, at the SLAA Clubhouse. We have taken the regular monthly meeting down from the Web site and will be scheduling meetings on the fly until we can secure a more stable date and time for classmates. Please be patient with us.
The upcoming meeting will begin tentatively at 6 p.m., give or take 15 minutes, or when most classmates are accounted for. This week's topics will be:
1) Final wrap on the Las Vegas reunion events,
2) Making preps for event at clubhouse (U.H. game 9/19),
3) Continuing efforts to locate classmates and information for class directory,
4) Alumni memberships and annual Luau,
5) Trying to put the right people in the right jobs for future class success,
6) Financial stuff.
If you have any concerns or ideas on these or other matters please show up at the clubhouse,pass it on to someone who will be there,or leave a comment on the blog-site. Mahalo!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
SLAA Luau & ''79 Get-Together
Also we will be looking into a get-together at the clubhouse for those who can't make it to Las Vegas, missed the stag or dinner, and want to get together for the U.H. football game telecast at the clubhouse. The meeting will take place this week. If you're interested or have a comment, call Karlton B. at 293-9339 or e-mail me.
Mahalo and thank you for your time.
Tony S. '79,
Sports Committee
Start Pitching in Now for Softball 2010!
Byron D. will be taking over the coaching duties for the 2010 softball tourney. Please support Byron anyway that you can!
Also Aaron M. will be in charge of the cooking duties, set-up,take-down tents, tables, chairs, coolers, grilles, etc. Please feel free to help Aaron M.and support the cause.
The Softball Tournament will take place President Day weekend, 2010, at Keʻehi Lagoon. For photos of this year's event, click on the "Softball" label below this post.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Congratulations to Coach Byron
The Final votes are in,and Byron D. will be heading-up the Softball 2010 duties with the support of classmates. Also, please read James S.'s letter (click here) if you haven't already on the blog-site. Congrats to Byron and all of you who part in our voting.
Also, it was a long week with reunion (Hawaii) events. Thanks to All that supported and contributed to these events.
Sports Committee
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mahalo From Tracy Mizota
I would like thank all of the Classmates who attended the Hawaii events for our 30th Reunion. It was especially nice to see Jeff Mathews, who came all the way from Waco, Texas. It was great seeing classmates and their wives at the get-together at the Alumni Clubhouse and at the Buffet Dinner. Reminiscing, catching up, and just having a blast was had by all. For those of you who would like to attend the Las Vegas portion of our 30th Reunion (Sept 18-20) you still have a little time left to make arrangements and to contact me.
We are hoping that many more classmates will forward to us their current contact information either through the class website, face book, other classmates, or by any other means so that we can get future class event info to you. Hope to see you in Vegas!
Tracy Mizota
tm_@hotmail.com or 808-227-6900
The 30th Reunion Banquet
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
REMINDER; Sunday Night at the Pagoda
From Tracy Mizota, here are the details on our get-together Sunday, August 2, at the Pagoda Hotel.
- We will be using the "East Banquet Room" at the Pagoda Hotel.
- Parking at hotel is $5.00 w/ validation stamp at reception table.
- Buffet dinner is $30 per person. Doors open at 6 pm Dinner is between 7 - 8 pm.
- Beer and Wine can be purchased from wait staff between 6 - 9 pm.
Friday Night's Attendees
- Dave Agor
- Dwayne Arelliano
- Karlton Borges
- Kevin Costa
- Greg Frey
- Hank George
- Lawrence Go
- Ben. Gutierrez
- Alex Ingel
- Stephen Ishikawa
- Rex Kamakana
- Curtis Low
- Greg Lung
- Aaron Manuel
- Jeff Mathews (Waco, Texas)
- Andrew Medeiros
- Scott Melendy
- Dru Miyata
- Tracy Mizota
- Dwight Moniz
- Dean Murata
- Albert Nakanishi
- Greg Perry
- Mel Pilien
- Elliot Pimental
- Craig Seno
- Kevin Siders
- Anthony Souza
- William Tito
- Russell Valente
- Mark Villanueva
- James Yocom
- Henry Young
Friday, July 31, 2009
REMINDERS! Last Day for Coach Voting, Reunion Get-Together at SLAA Clubhouse Tonight!
And we hope to see you tonight at the SLAA Clubhouse for the first of our 30th Reunion activities! Click on the "Reunion" label below this post, or on the right hand side of this page, for more details and posts.
There also may be more people who may be coming to tonight's event than are on the lists that we've previously posted, so don't worry if you haven't seen your name. And if you have a last-minute change of heart, come join us. Just make sure to check in with Tracy M. when you get in!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Reunion Names List Update
Hawaii Attendees: Cody Correa from Kamuela HI, Greg Frey, Dwight Moniz, Albert Nakanishi, Greg Perry, Ben Gutierrez, Eugene Kaneshiro, Eric Kirihara, Dean Murata, Mel Pilien, James Yocum, Hank George, Dwight Moniz, Mark Villanueva, Kevin Siders, David Agor, Rex Kamakana, Dru Miyata, Jeff Mathews.
Probable: Russell Valente
Thursday, July 23, 2009
UPDATE: 30th Reunion Events
It'as nice to report that additional classmates have signed up to join us at this years 30th Reunion. If you still want to attend this years reunion contact me ASAP!
The following is a listing of classmates who have contacted me:
Hawaii Attendees: Cody Correa from Kamuela HI, Dwight Moniz, Albert Nakanishi, Greg Perry, Eugene Kaneshiro, Eric Kirihara, Dean Murata, Mel Pilien, James Yocum, Hank George, Dwight Moniz, Mark Villanueva, Kevin Siders, David Agor, Rex Kamakana, Dru Miyata. Probable: Russell Valente
Las Vegas Attendees: Matt & Kathleen Jordan will be coming from Texas, Conrad & Terri Manayan from Tennesee, Eugene Kaneshiro from Fountain Valley CA, Anthony & Jadranka Kijowski from Yorba Linda CA, Mel Pilien, Greg Perry, David Agor. Probable : Hank George, Russell Valente
Additional Information: Hawaii Reunion Events
If you haven't sent in your $25 fee it will be collected at the door.
Friday July 31, 2009 "Reunion Get Together @ St. Louis Alumni Clubhouse"
Starts at 6:00 pm (No Host Bar/Pupus)
Sunday August 2, 2009 "Reunion Dinner @ Pagoda Hotel "Banquet Room"
Door Opens @ 6:00 pm Dinner Buffet ($30 per person at Door) 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Tracy Mizota
UPDATE: Duke Aiona Fundraiser
Mahalo Plenty to Tony & his Sports Comm. '79 for supporting our Class & keeping all of us so well informed. Unreal Guys! You work so hard!
So far, between Tony his committee and Tracy Mizota alone, 8 tickets have already been sold. I have told the Lt. Gov. Let's go, Gang! Let's buy more tickets! Only SL boys Will there! Good fun!
Greg Frey '79
VP, SLAA P. Gregory "Greg" Frey
808-381-GREG (4734)
E Akua Ho'omaika'i O' Amelika
Monday, July 20, 2009
From Softball 2009 Coach James Santos
I would first like to apologize for not keeping up on the current postings and e-mails. While I am honored by the nomination of being your softball Coach for the 2010 season, I would like to pass on a thought, maybe a different mind set. I look at the softball tournament as a time to reflect on memories of the past and enjoy creating new memories, to talk about our accomplishments and our challenges. And, in the middle of all this explore what we have labeled as athletic ability. In between the pain, laughs and fellowship it is a time to reconnect to a time in our life that for good or bad chiseled a part of what makes us the men we are today. While I thank the Sports Committee for sponsoring this poll, I feel there will be no winner but merely a lost chance for involvement by a class member who is reaching out (as we all should). I propose that Byron, Myself and anyone else that would like to be involved to join in and make this a great event. Remember, while softball is the venue for our gathering it is merely a side bar to the fellowship that follows.
In closing Gentlemen without involvement the worst that can happen is that we lose touch with each other. We have several classmates who are trying very hard not to have that happen. Please give them your full support. Even small gestures (like answering an e-mail) give them the boost to continue their effort.
Malama Pono,
James Santos
Classmate, Friend, Brother
"Memor Et Fidelis""Mindful and Faithful"
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
From Greg Frey: Let's Kokua Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona, A True St. Louis Gentleman!
Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona is planning a "Grass roots" fundraiser for his Campaign for Governor of our Great State to be held the end of this month at the SLAA CLUBHOUSE & CRUSADER LOUNGE. Details are forthcoming, but in the exact words of Lt. Gov. Aiona, in his e-mail to me, he says, "The event would be no frills beer, pupu and would be held at SL Club house."
NOW, to the "I need help" part. Lt. Gov. has asked me to sell at least 10 tickets to this event. Cost has not been announced yet, but I figure $25 or so. I want to sell as many tickets as possible to this event, ALL to members of our Great & Proud Class of 1979. I want to be able to proudly tell the Lt. Gov. that OUR Class bought "Choke Tickets". I asked him to take a look at our Blog page, and told him this request/article would be posted. So, let's not prove me wrong. HELP OUT. BUY A TICKET FROM ME. I will make sure that our Class, as a group, gets proper recognition. What a great way to "kick-off" our 30th Year Reunion festivities by "pitching-in" support for one of St. Louis' more prominent people.
PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR COMMITMENT TO PURCHASE ONE OR MORE TICKETS TO THIS EVENT, and I will coordinate purchase in mass as a bold statement of our Class' support of Lt. Gov. Aiona as he begins what is expected to be a very competitive campaign for Governor of Our Island State. EMAIL YOUR TICKET REQUEST TO ME AT EITHER pgfrey@coatesandfrey.com (work) and/or pgfesq@hawaii.rr.com (home). MAHALO FOR YOUR SUPPORT, of both me and Lt. Gov. Aiona.
P. Gregory "Greg" Frey
Proud Member of the Great
Class of 1979
Vice-President, SLAA
Monday, July 6, 2009
Vote Now For 2010 Softball Coach!
We have received two nominations for coach of the Class of '79 team for the 2010 St. Louis Alumni Softball Tournament, scheduled for President's Day weekend at Keʻehi Lagoon.
And now, it's time to vote!
Make your choice in the the box in the upper right hand corner of our home page. Voting will be open until midnight, the night of July 31.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Deadlines Approaching for 30th Reunion!
Well it seems that time sure flies by fast and our 30th Reunion is now just around the corner.
There will be a reunion meeting on July 15, 2009 at the Alumni Clubhouse at 6:30 pm and all classmates are welcome to attend.
Those of you who have made arrangements with Panda travel know that deadline to pay for your packages is coming up soon. For those of you who didn't sign up with Panda but still want to attend the UH vs UNLV football game, you need to let me know ASAP so I can see if I can get you tickets for the game through Panda.
For those classmates who have NOT returned their questionnaire/deposit make your decisions SOON because the "FINAL DEADLINE" is JULY 20, 2009. You can either email me at tm_@hotmail.com, mail me 2165-B 10th Ave., Hon. HI 96816, or call me 227-6900.
Tracy Mizota/Reunion Committee
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day with James Yocom at Ahi Fever
Our Facebook Group: Thirteen Members and Counting
Monday, June 22, 2009
Nominations For Softball 2010 Coach
The sports committee is taking nominees for the coaching (coordinating) position for the 2010 Softball Tourney this month. Then voting will follow, here on the web site, in July. The new coach's duties duties start on the 1st of August and last until till the end of the tourney in February 2010.
So far, we have two nominations: Mark V. has nominated Byron D., who expressed interest in helping with the coaching duties. And Aaron M. has nominated James S. for another year.
Again, nominations/volunteering will be taken until the end of this month. So send in your selections for the coach ASAP.
Good Luck to all,
Sports Committee'79
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Class of ʻ79 on Facebook!
By now, you may have received an invitation to join the new Facebook group "St. Louis High School Class of ʻ79." The group, along with this blog, is intended to keep all of us in touch with one another. Facebook also is a great tool to be more interactive with one another in sharing news and putting together events, like softball tournaments and reunions (hint, hint!)
The Facebook group is not intended to replace this blog. This page will still have the general news, although I'll make sure any news here will also be posted on FB. The FB group page also will make it easier to spread any news, from each of us, and from the class as a whole.
Right now, we don't have a dedicated URL (i.e. facebook.com/ben.gutierrez) for the group page. We should be able to create one at the end of the month, and when we have one, we'll let you know. For now, go to Facebook , sign up (if you aren't a member already) and then search for "St. Louis High School Class of '79." It's currently an "open group," which means anyone can join. (There is the possibility that we may change that in the future to ensure that actual classmates are signing up. However, I'm still going to monitor activity there closely.)
(Also, the class of '78 has a Facebook page, believe it or not!)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions. And, yes, that URL example is actually mine.
Ben. '79
(Unofficial IT Guy)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Class of '79 at the Belmont!
So, what happened?
The final results for the Belmont are as follows:
- (1)Summer Bird
- (2)Dunkirk
- (3) Mine that Bird.
Nobody picked the winner for the Grand Prize, but second and third place were each awarded $10 gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse. Greg Frey had Dunkirk for second, barely beating out James Yocom's pick of Mine that Bird.
Thanks to all that participated,hope to do this again.
Sports Committee.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Classmates.com and MyLife.com
Mahalo Tony'79
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Few More Names
As of May 18, here's an update of classmates who have returned their questionnaires/deposits to me and will be attending this year's reunion:
Kevin Costa (2) Hawaii
Alex Ingel (2) Hawaii & Las Vegas
Ben Kam (2) Hawaii
Anthony Kijowski (2) Las Vegas
More updates soon. Thanks again for responding!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Reunion List (So Far!)
I have received the following classmates questionnaires/deposits, and have listed which Reunion events they plan to attend. Please turn your questionnaires/deposits back to me by the May 15 deadline. (Click here to see a copy of the questionnaire. Also, you can click on the "Reunion" label anywhere on this blog for the latest.)
David Agor Hawaii & Las Vegas
Cody Correa (2) Hawaii
Gregory Frey (2) Hawaii & Las Vegas
Lawrence Go Hawaii
Ben Gutierrez Hawaii
Stephen Ishikawa Hawaii
Harrigan Kanoa Hawaii & Las Vegas
Sherman Kitagawa (2) Hawaii
Christopher Korsak Hawaii
Gregory Lung Hawaii
Conrad Manayan (2) Las Vegas
Tracy Mizota Hawaii & Las Vegas
Elliott Pimental (2) Hawaii
Tracy M
Saturday, May 9, 2009
You now have just a few days left before the deadline to return your 30th Reunion Questionnaire!
MAY 15!
You should have received one in the mail. If you have not, e-mail slhs1979 (at) gmail.com and we will send you one immediately. Click here to look at a copy.
Check with your fellow classmates, especially if you are outside Hawaiʻi, to make sure everyone got a questionnaire, and that they get sent back by the deadline!
Class Meeting Rescheduled
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Who You Gonna Call? Reservations for SLHS '79 30th Reunion in Las Vegas, Made Easy Online!
Our Class of '79 30th year reunion committee has endorsed PANDA TRAVEL as the travel agency to help all of us who are travelling to the "Ninth Hawaiian Island" of Las Vegas in September for our SLHS 30th Year Reunion, to include the UH Warriors-UNLV Football Game @ Sam Boyd Stadium on Sept. 19.
As our Reunion Committee works hard to plan for our Class Reunion Cocktail party, golf games and reunion dinner in LV, to go along with the football game, I URGE ALL SLHS '79 CLASSMATES TO BOOK WITH PANDA TRAVEL ASAP. It's so Easy Kine Online (even a caveman can do it!).
My lovely wife, Mia, & I are going to move our eldest daughter, Samantha, back to college for her senior year up in Northern California at about the same time as our Las Vegas reunion, so we are flyin' in & out of California & will drive to meet everyone in LV (no, you guys can't borrow the car, but as the non-drinker, I am certainly destined to be the "Official" SLHS '79 30th Reunion Designated Driver, & glad to do it. LOL).
I cruised the Panda Travel web page, and it was so easy to navigate! All the different UH-UNLV travel packages are clearly laid out and even more clearly described. There are 3, 4, 5 & 6 day packages at 3-4 different Las Vegas hotels, some with meals and some without, BUT all with game tickets, tailgate party tickets and more! Just a few clicks later, and a mere $100 per person deposit, you will be confirmed. It's that easy guys. PLUS, as an added incentive, if enough of us book with Panda, we will all get an additional discount above and beyond the published package prices. So, get clickin' guys! It's that easy. (And I want the discount for gamblin' monies!)
Mia & I selected the 4 Day LAND ONLY package, and will drive in for our fun kine stay at the Downtown Golden Nugget beginning Thursday Sept. 18 (so we will be there in time for the Reunion "Kick-off" Cocktail Party that Friday night). Simple to do, and all it took was a few minutes. Now it's your turn! Sign-up NOW!
All of you by now have the "Sign-up" Sheet for our Reunion Events, both here in our island home and in LV. As Tony S., Tracy M. and others have told us many times, we all MUST plunk down our deposit money by the May 15 deadline! DON'T FORGET! Our Reunion Committee really needs an accurate "head count". So, help them out! Fill out the form. Send in the monies!
As my wife & I excitedly wait for reunion events to unfold, as the Vice President of the Saint Louis Alumni Association who works closely with SLAA & SLS (as obviously does "super SLS guru" Russell V., & Richard J.), I'll work hard to get raffle gifts from SLS & SLAA for our events. BUT, our whole Class needs to join SLAA to show our association and school (and maybe even yours truly) big time support!
Remember all members of the Great Class of 1979, " Red & Blue, Tried & True".
P. Gregory "Greg" Frey
Proud Member of the
Class of 1979, SLHS
Vice-President, SLAA
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Looking For More Classmates: Are You Up To Date?
The Committee has sent out 30th year reunion flyers via information acquired by either the Alumni Class list, the 2004 St. Louis Directory, web-site, previous events, or classmate information. We will be trying to upgrade this directory on a regular basis so information on as many classmates will be current for events for the next 20 years or so.
We have all come along way the past 30 years and hope that in the next 20, maybe more of the Class of '79 will be involved.So please make sure your information is current and your friends information is current.We will be posting a MIA list of those who we need information on.
We also maybe requesting a current picture of either yourself or one with your family for our directory album. Also feel free to leave comments and input here on the class Web site, as we are here to serve the Class of 1979.
May God Bless and the force be with you.
Tony '79
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Calling All Classmates! May Class Meeting: May 20th To Discuss Reunion
I am proposing that the Class meeting for the month of May be held on the third Wednesday (5/20/09) of the month, instead of the first Thursday as per the usual schedule. It will be at the usual place, the SLAA Clubhouse. I hope that by then I will have some idea as to who will want to go to the reunion.
I spoke with Tony and it would be great if everyone who may have any classmate information semi-current (25th reunion) or current could attend the May meeting so that we can compile all the information into one sort of current class information list. See you there!