E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Deadlines Approaching for 30th Reunion!

Aloha Fellow Classmates,

Well it seems that time sure flies by fast and our 30th Reunion is now just around the corner.

There will be a reunion meeting on July 15, 2009 at the Alumni Clubhouse at 6:30 pm and all classmates are welcome to attend.

Those of you who have made arrangements with Panda travel know that deadline to pay for your packages is coming up soon. For those of you who didn't sign up with Panda but still want to attend the UH vs UNLV football game, you need to let me know ASAP so I can see if I can get you tickets for the game through Panda.

For those classmates who have NOT returned their questionnaire/deposit make your decisions SOON because the "FINAL DEADLINE" is JULY 20, 2009. You can either email me at tm_@hotmail.com, mail me 2165-B 10th Ave., Hon. HI 96816, or call me 227-6900.

Tracy Mizota/Reunion Committee

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