E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Constitution and By-Laws Saint Louis High School Alumni Class of 1979

Fellow 79er's,

This is something that I wrote up to give us a structured guideline to follow as the years go by. This is nothing permanent, like other documents set up for structured usage, it's subject to changes once a year. This sets up and decsribes the duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This also explains terms of office, appointments and elections. It also warrants the need for Commitees. At this present time there's only a Sports Committee, who's only activity is the Annual Softball Tournament held during the President's Day weekend. The committee assists the SLAA and other classes with play, fun and fellowship.

Other committees are the Membership and Welfare, whose primary concern is the overall welfare of classmates and their immediate families and continual updates of the class roster or as directed by the President. Another committee, the Internet Committee, has dual tasks. Updating of our class blogsite and photographs of all events that our class participates in. Another committee will be the Programs and Events. The responsibilties are to create get togethers for class and families at least every quarter or as the class desires. Examples are family picnics, dinners, multi-family garage sales, fundraisers and the Reunions. The final and most important one is the Finance Committee. The sole responsibility is to set up and implement a plan to set up the Class Gift that is due upon our 50th Reunion. The Treasurer will be in charge of this committee.

We also cover Regular and Associate Membership. Both have an annual fee of $12.00, payable to the SLAA. The Membership Committee will handle that portion of reminding and collection. Associate Membership is for those who had gone to school with us, but did not graduate with us and family members wanting to join our group. It is covered in the SLAA Guidelines......there is more to follow so please keep an eye in the sky and an ear to the pavement. Look left, look right and keep a watch out for our missing classmates. Mahalo........Karlton

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