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Thursday, September 4, 2008

SLAA Update from Greg Frey

Here's an update from classmate Greg Frey, who's a vice president with the St. Louis Alumni Association:

The SLAA elections recently took place and I was up for re-election. I was fortunate enough to be re-elected for my third three -year term. I took second place out of three directors elected. I sent our class a postcard asking for your vote, and I really appreciate everyone who did vote for me. I hope that someday, many more members of our great class will become active, dues-paying SLAA members. I trust that day will soon come!

SLAA recently had its annual Labor Day Luau, attended by about 150 or so SLAA members and guests. While I was the only 1979 guy there, it was good fun (Mel Cabang was unreal funny!). My brother Grant (recently retired as police chief at MCBH and Kaiser '79, and his son, SLS 2007) won the grand raffle prize -- round trip tickets for two and a car to Maui on the Superferry, and hotel for two nights! We are going to take our motorcycles over for a weekend ride!

Lastly, the SLAA Membership Committee will again host the tailgate dinner in the Aloha Stadium spiral. FREE to all SLAA active members (bring your membership cards) and $5.00 for guests. HINT: I enrolled my brother and wife, Mia, as ASSOCIATE members of SLAA, so they eat free too and get all the benefits of SLAA! Each of you should enroll your spouses/S.O.

Well, that's it from the SLAA. Remember, all '79 classmates should use and enjoy the SLAA. It's YOUR association!

Greg Frey '79, SLAA Vice President

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