E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

50/50 for Saint Louis!

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Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com

Friday, September 26, 2008

MIA 79ers: We're Looking For You


We have been trying to constantly update e-mail addresses and phone numbers, and Ben G. has taken on the responsibility of keeping everything straight and updated. For some odd reason(s), you e-mail adresses may be on file, but may not be active, or you haven't responded with a new e-mail address. Please send Ben your current information (Ben's note: e-mail them to the Gmail address at the top of the blog) so our hard efforts won't go to waste.

With the 30th year reunion right around the corner, it is vital that we reach as many classmates as possible. So if you see, talk to or hear of/from any classmate in your area, please pass on the information. It's every classmate's responsiblity to get this information to us, so that classmates who do want to attend events, meetings and reunions won't get left out in the cold. We only have a few more of these left, so we might as well enjoy them while we can.

Mahalo as always,
Tony '79, Vice-Chair Events Committee

1 comment:

dwight said...

Hey Tony,
thanks for being so diligent in your efforts to get the word out to everyone,and for your many hours of work and concern for the members of our class. I hope everyone will respond so that we can all enjoy a great 30th reunion.
