E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

50/50 for Saint Louis!

Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:

Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com

Saturday, March 8, 2008

SLAA Annual Softball Tourney - Feb. 2008

Mahalo to Tony Souza (Events Committee) and Albert Nakanishi (Coach) for coordinating a successful turn-out for the Class of '79 at the Annual SLAA Softball Tournament on President's Day weekend (Feb 16-17, 2008).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

2009 Class Reunion - 30th year Anniversary

Tracy Mizota has volunteered to be the point-man and coordinate the 30th year Class Reunion (1979-2009). Initial plans are for a Las Vegas trip with tentative dates in mid-September'09 to coincide with the UH v.s. UNLV game on Sept. 19, 2009.
On the drawing board are the following events:
- Kick-off / cocktail get-together
- Casino night
- Tail-gate/UH-UNLV football game
- Golf / Class Dinner

Take note...mark your calendars...stay tune!
Let's all give Tracy our support; we will need everyone's help to make this an awesome and memorable reunion.

Any thoughts, ideas, comments...