To all class of '79 golfers,
Xmas golf outing at Kapolei golf course on Sunday, December 13th, at 0815. Let me know if you can make it by Dec. 10th.
E-mail or call 808 277 0396. Hope to see all you hackers there. Have a wonderful holiday season.
David Agor
E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!
50/50 for Saint Louis!
Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:
Got news? E-mail us at
Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:
Got news? E-mail us at
Monday, November 30, 2009
University of Hawaii's last away game VICTORIOUS !!
All you faithful viewers,
That's right, you! UH has pulled one out of the hat, so to speak.
A good sized crowd had settled down into the Crusader Lounge that Saturday afternoon, yep, to cheer on the local boys to victory.
As for our class, attendance was rather surprising. Twelve made the arduous journey through the Mccully-Moiliili area to join our cohorts in food and refreshments. Sir's Souza, Keanu, Centeio, Tito, and Melendy charged up along the left flank of the table. Sir's Puchalski, Mizota, Borges and Pilien cleared the right flank of the table to make way for King Greg and Queen Mia and the court's Jester Nakanishi . I hope you all enjoyed this little knight humor!!!!! Mahalo...........Karlton
That's right, you! UH has pulled one out of the hat, so to speak.
A good sized crowd had settled down into the Crusader Lounge that Saturday afternoon, yep, to cheer on the local boys to victory.
As for our class, attendance was rather surprising. Twelve made the arduous journey through the Mccully-Moiliili area to join our cohorts in food and refreshments. Sir's Souza, Keanu, Centeio, Tito, and Melendy charged up along the left flank of the table. Sir's Puchalski, Mizota, Borges and Pilien cleared the right flank of the table to make way for King Greg and Queen Mia and the court's Jester Nakanishi . I hope you all enjoyed this little knight humor!!!!! Mahalo...........Karlton
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Our Scheduled next Board Meeting.
Hui e ne'i! Na Keonimana O St. Louis.
Just a reminder, there will be a Board meeting at the SLAA Clubhouse on Wednesday, Dec. 02, 2009 @ 7pm. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
There have been no further additions to the nominations list. On 12/02/09, the nominations will be closed and the elections shall begin. You may cast your votes via telephone or email beginning 12/03/09 through 01-05-10. During the January 6, 2010 meeting, the winners shall be announced and our Class business shall officially begin.
Your voting contacts are:
Kreston Aoki @ ,
Ben Gutierrez @ ,
Mel Pilien @ ,
Michael Meyer @ ,
Mark Villanueva @ ,
Greg Perry @ ,
Karlton Borges @ .
For our brothers on the Mainland,
West Coast Chapter Chair Glenn Wong @ ,
East Coast Chapter Chair Conrad Manayan @ .
For our mainland brothers, Glenn and Conrad are your Class representatives. Please offer them any and all assistance you can. I ask the same of all our brothers, to stand up, help us take this to a higher level of participation. One that will make other Alumni Classes envious of the initiative that we're taking to get and improve all relations within the Saint Louis Family.
"Kulia I Ka Nu'u" --"Stride for the Summit" Mahalo.........
Just a reminder, there will be a Board meeting at the SLAA Clubhouse on Wednesday, Dec. 02, 2009 @ 7pm. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
There have been no further additions to the nominations list. On 12/02/09, the nominations will be closed and the elections shall begin. You may cast your votes via telephone or email beginning 12/03/09 through 01-05-10. During the January 6, 2010 meeting, the winners shall be announced and our Class business shall officially begin.
Your voting contacts are:
Kreston Aoki @ ,
Ben Gutierrez @ ,
Mel Pilien @ ,
Michael Meyer @ ,
Mark Villanueva @ ,
Greg Perry @ ,
Karlton Borges @ .
For our brothers on the Mainland,
West Coast Chapter Chair Glenn Wong @ ,
East Coast Chapter Chair Conrad Manayan @ .
For our mainland brothers, Glenn and Conrad are your Class representatives. Please offer them any and all assistance you can. I ask the same of all our brothers, to stand up, help us take this to a higher level of participation. One that will make other Alumni Classes envious of the initiative that we're taking to get and improve all relations within the Saint Louis Family.
"Kulia I Ka Nu'u" --"Stride for the Summit" Mahalo.........
Annual SLAA Christmas Party
Hey '79ers,
If interested please contact Karlton B.,so we can reserve a table or two for our class. Another way to support. Don't hesitate, contact Karlton ASAP. The deadline is Tuesday, December 8th.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Update on hard to find classmates!
Hey gangbusters,
A happy note for all, Ardivan Najmabadi, Mark Pang, Michael Tanaka and Roy Yoshimura have been located. Ardi is in Las Vegas, sends his aloha, Mark is in Mississippi and sends his regards. Michael is here, teaches @ Damien Memorial High School and all is well. Roy is in Maryland, living with family, doing good, he to says aloha.
Sadly, we still have classmates not accounted for, please if you hear or see anything of them, get their information and contact me at or call me 286-8727, leave a message.
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Cullen, Gerard
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Hubert, John
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku J
Lasconia, Michael
Leong, Gerard R K
Loehe, Kurt
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Mallin, Stephen
Martin, Scot A
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn
Smith, Melvin C
Thompson, Michael E.
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
I'm very appreciative of all your efforts that have been directed towards this worthy cause of reuniting our class and continued support will ensure success. Mahalo.............Karlton
A happy note for all, Ardivan Najmabadi, Mark Pang, Michael Tanaka and Roy Yoshimura have been located. Ardi is in Las Vegas, sends his aloha, Mark is in Mississippi and sends his regards. Michael is here, teaches @ Damien Memorial High School and all is well. Roy is in Maryland, living with family, doing good, he to says aloha.
Sadly, we still have classmates not accounted for, please if you hear or see anything of them, get their information and contact me at or call me 286-8727, leave a message.
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Cullen, Gerard
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Hubert, John
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku J
Lasconia, Michael
Leong, Gerard R K
Loehe, Kurt
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Mallin, Stephen
Martin, Scot A
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn
Smith, Melvin C
Thompson, Michael E.
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
I'm very appreciative of all your efforts that have been directed towards this worthy cause of reuniting our class and continued support will ensure success. Mahalo.............Karlton
Happy Thanksgiving!
To all of our brothers in the Class of '79, their friends and families,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pics From The Vegas Reunion!

Finally, here are some of the photos from Las Vegas, courtesy of Greg Frey.
Greg explains the photos of the hat (above and below): "Mia had made it for me at Las Vegas Lids. She did all the colors. On the back, it says 'LAS VEGAS.' So I had every '79 guy there sign the under brim, but Bino Kanoa had to sign the back tag."
(Click on any photo to enlarge it, then right click to save it to your computer)

At the UH-UNLV Game:

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Alumni Traditions.......
Hey gang,
This is a brief summary of what the Saint Louis Alumni Association expects of us.
Saint Louis School Graduation Ceremony.
It's been a tradition of Saint Louis School to honor the St. Louis Alumni Class that graduated 50, 60 and 70 years ago at their annual Graduation Ceremony, along with that year's graduating class. Each member of the Alumni class being honored is called to receive a diploma, the traditional red and blue silk lei, commemorative medallions, etc. from the Officials of Saint Louis School. The ceremony and honor bestowed on the alumni classes precede the current graduating class and is testimony of the history of Saint Louis School.
St. Louis Class Gift.
Another tradition, which began many years ago, is the "Class Gift" which is a donation of $50,000 or more to the Saint Louis School by the class celebrating its 50th anniversary. This gift of appreciation for the education, guidance and direction that we received at Saint Louis can be a serious burden on the class if not carefully planned and organized well in advance of that milestone. Many classes start their "Class Gift Fund" as early as ten years prior to their 50th Anniversary. In fact the Class of 1992 has already started fund-raising for their "Class Gift Fund". Although this is not the norm, most classes begin as early as ten years and as late as two years prior to their 50th Anniversary. The earlier you start your "Class Gift Fund" - the easier it makes for attaining and exceeding your goal.
Sincerely Submitted by Karlton Borges for SLAA Executive Director Bob Takei.
Update: As of this writing, Russell Valente has drawn out the necessary
forms to start our "Class Gift Account". Keep an eye open for more information as we get it, it will be posted, please be sure to check with your area represenatives. Mahalo.........Karlton
This is a brief summary of what the Saint Louis Alumni Association expects of us.
Saint Louis School Graduation Ceremony.
It's been a tradition of Saint Louis School to honor the St. Louis Alumni Class that graduated 50, 60 and 70 years ago at their annual Graduation Ceremony, along with that year's graduating class. Each member of the Alumni class being honored is called to receive a diploma, the traditional red and blue silk lei, commemorative medallions, etc. from the Officials of Saint Louis School. The ceremony and honor bestowed on the alumni classes precede the current graduating class and is testimony of the history of Saint Louis School.
St. Louis Class Gift.
Another tradition, which began many years ago, is the "Class Gift" which is a donation of $50,000 or more to the Saint Louis School by the class celebrating its 50th anniversary. This gift of appreciation for the education, guidance and direction that we received at Saint Louis can be a serious burden on the class if not carefully planned and organized well in advance of that milestone. Many classes start their "Class Gift Fund" as early as ten years prior to their 50th Anniversary. In fact the Class of 1992 has already started fund-raising for their "Class Gift Fund". Although this is not the norm, most classes begin as early as ten years and as late as two years prior to their 50th Anniversary. The earlier you start your "Class Gift Fund" - the easier it makes for attaining and exceeding your goal.
Sincerely Submitted by Karlton Borges for SLAA Executive Director Bob Takei.
Update: As of this writing, Russell Valente has drawn out the necessary
forms to start our "Class Gift Account". Keep an eye open for more information as we get it, it will be posted, please be sure to check with your area represenatives. Mahalo.........Karlton
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Constitution and By-Laws Saint Louis High School Alumni Class of 1979
Fellow 79er's,
This is something that I wrote up to give us a structured guideline to follow as the years go by. This is nothing permanent, like other documents set up for structured usage, it's subject to changes once a year. This sets up and decsribes the duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This also explains terms of office, appointments and elections. It also warrants the need for Commitees. At this present time there's only a Sports Committee, who's only activity is the Annual Softball Tournament held during the President's Day weekend. The committee assists the SLAA and other classes with play, fun and fellowship.
Other committees are the Membership and Welfare, whose primary concern is the overall welfare of classmates and their immediate families and continual updates of the class roster or as directed by the President. Another committee, the Internet Committee, has dual tasks. Updating of our class blogsite and photographs of all events that our class participates in. Another committee will be the Programs and Events. The responsibilties are to create get togethers for class and families at least every quarter or as the class desires. Examples are family picnics, dinners, multi-family garage sales, fundraisers and the Reunions. The final and most important one is the Finance Committee. The sole responsibility is to set up and implement a plan to set up the Class Gift that is due upon our 50th Reunion. The Treasurer will be in charge of this committee.
We also cover Regular and Associate Membership. Both have an annual fee of $12.00, payable to the SLAA. The Membership Committee will handle that portion of reminding and collection. Associate Membership is for those who had gone to school with us, but did not graduate with us and family members wanting to join our group. It is covered in the SLAA Guidelines......there is more to follow so please keep an eye in the sky and an ear to the pavement. Look left, look right and keep a watch out for our missing classmates. Mahalo........Karlton
This is something that I wrote up to give us a structured guideline to follow as the years go by. This is nothing permanent, like other documents set up for structured usage, it's subject to changes once a year. This sets up and decsribes the duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This also explains terms of office, appointments and elections. It also warrants the need for Commitees. At this present time there's only a Sports Committee, who's only activity is the Annual Softball Tournament held during the President's Day weekend. The committee assists the SLAA and other classes with play, fun and fellowship.
Other committees are the Membership and Welfare, whose primary concern is the overall welfare of classmates and their immediate families and continual updates of the class roster or as directed by the President. Another committee, the Internet Committee, has dual tasks. Updating of our class blogsite and photographs of all events that our class participates in. Another committee will be the Programs and Events. The responsibilties are to create get togethers for class and families at least every quarter or as the class desires. Examples are family picnics, dinners, multi-family garage sales, fundraisers and the Reunions. The final and most important one is the Finance Committee. The sole responsibility is to set up and implement a plan to set up the Class Gift that is due upon our 50th Reunion. The Treasurer will be in charge of this committee.
We also cover Regular and Associate Membership. Both have an annual fee of $12.00, payable to the SLAA. The Membership Committee will handle that portion of reminding and collection. Associate Membership is for those who had gone to school with us, but did not graduate with us and family members wanting to join our group. It is covered in the SLAA Guidelines......there is more to follow so please keep an eye in the sky and an ear to the pavement. Look left, look right and keep a watch out for our missing classmates. Mahalo........Karlton
Crusader found.
You'll be happy to know that a fellow Crusader has been located.
My thanks to Ardi Najmabadhi for resonding to all the inquiries put out via the internet. He's doing great and is now in Las Vegas. Sadly, I ask that you add on to help locate list:
Cullen, Gerard
Loehe, Kurt
Panee, Gary
Pang, Mark
Mallin, Stephen M.
Smith, Melvin C.
Tanaka, Michael
Help spread the word to them or have them contact someone to call me via my email.
You'll be happy to know that a fellow Crusader has been located.
My thanks to Ardi Najmabadhi for resonding to all the inquiries put out via the internet. He's doing great and is now in Las Vegas. Sadly, I ask that you add on to help locate list:
Cullen, Gerard
Loehe, Kurt
Panee, Gary
Pang, Mark
Mallin, Stephen M.
Smith, Melvin C.
Tanaka, Michael
Help spread the word to them or have them contact someone to call me via my email.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Many Thanks To All....
Fellow 79er's,
Hats off to all of you that were able to assist me in putting together a new and completely update class roster. Thanks to Tony Souza and Tracy Mizota for getting me started with whatever basic information they had. With that and the SLAA Directory I was able to locate (256) fellow classmates via our Commencement Announcement. Along with Tony and Tracy, the hard core hunters were Larry Go, Malcolm Uehara, Grant Kashiwabara, Greg Frey, Jesse Nakasuji, Glenn Wong, Craig Kawasaki, Eugene Kaneshiro and Andrew Medeiros. My sincerest thank you to all of you for your time spent, it was worth reconnecting with all of you here and abroad. Mahalo................. Karlton
Hats off to all of you that were able to assist me in putting together a new and completely update class roster. Thanks to Tony Souza and Tracy Mizota for getting me started with whatever basic information they had. With that and the SLAA Directory I was able to locate (256) fellow classmates via our Commencement Announcement. Along with Tony and Tracy, the hard core hunters were Larry Go, Malcolm Uehara, Grant Kashiwabara, Greg Frey, Jesse Nakasuji, Glenn Wong, Craig Kawasaki, Eugene Kaneshiro and Andrew Medeiros. My sincerest thank you to all of you for your time spent, it was worth reconnecting with all of you here and abroad. Mahalo................. Karlton
Nominations for Board of Directors now being accepted.
As of 11-4-09, President Mark Villanueva has stepped down from his post. Therefore, the BOD is now accepting nominees for President. As of
11-04-09, Melvin Pilien has been the only one nominated for the Post. A new post of Vice President was created with the drafting of a new Constitution and By-laws. As of 11-04-09, there has only been one nomination for Vice President and that was Karlton Borges. Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael Meyer have not decided on their respective futures. Nominations will be acepted till 12-2-09. Voting will commence from 12-3-09 through 01-06-10. Results will be posted by 02-03-09 and at that time all newly elected officers shall be sworn in and their respective terms of office will commence.
Cast your vote by contacting the following Ben Gutierrez,, Mark Villanueva,, Kreston Aoki,, Glenn Wong,, and Conrad Manayan, In the next blog, I'll post the Constitution and By-Laws all for your review and comments. Again, this is for our benefit, our future as well as keeping our friendship strong and unbreakable. Mahalo.......... Karlton
11-04-09, Melvin Pilien has been the only one nominated for the Post. A new post of Vice President was created with the drafting of a new Constitution and By-laws. As of 11-04-09, there has only been one nomination for Vice President and that was Karlton Borges. Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael Meyer have not decided on their respective futures. Nominations will be acepted till 12-2-09. Voting will commence from 12-3-09 through 01-06-10. Results will be posted by 02-03-09 and at that time all newly elected officers shall be sworn in and their respective terms of office will commence.
Cast your vote by contacting the following Ben Gutierrez,, Mark Villanueva,, Kreston Aoki,, Glenn Wong,, and Conrad Manayan, In the next blog, I'll post the Constitution and By-Laws all for your review and comments. Again, this is for our benefit, our future as well as keeping our friendship strong and unbreakable. Mahalo.......... Karlton
Upcoming Event for 11-21-09
Come on down to the SLAA Crusader Lounge and join your friends for the last away game of the University of Hawaii. Hibachi style potluck is the theme, pending our headcount, please RSVP by 11/18/09, Wed. Our average attendance has been (9), if we do not get (15) or more, than we'll just have a regular pupu style potluck. Come one! Come all! Having fun with all! Contact me at or messsage me at Cellular #286-8727. You may also contact Tony Souza at Mahalo.............. Karlton.
Come on down to the SLAA Crusader Lounge and join your friends for the last away game of the University of Hawaii. Hibachi style potluck is the theme, pending our headcount, please RSVP by 11/18/09, Wed. Our average attendance has been (9), if we do not get (15) or more, than we'll just have a regular pupu style potluck. Come one! Come all! Having fun with all! Contact me at or messsage me at Cellular #286-8727. You may also contact Tony Souza at Mahalo.............. Karlton.
Add on to Classmates unable to locate.
Fellow 79er's,
Please add on to our unable to locate list of classmates:
Lee, Jon Jason or John Jason
Any information, please contact me at or call message me at #286-8727. Mahalo................ Karlton.
Please add on to our unable to locate list of classmates:
Lee, Jon Jason or John Jason
Any information, please contact me at or call message me at #286-8727. Mahalo................ Karlton.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Remembering Chris Santangelo On the Web
We recently found a Web page that honors Chris Santangelo, our classmate who passed away in 2005, just after he spent time with us in the islands for our 25th Reunion. To visit (and perhaps leave a remembrance for his family), click here.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Missing classmates, help us locate them!
Fellow 79er's,
This is a list of classmates we are unable to locate. Can you help us find them?:
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku John
Lasconia, Michael L
Leong, Gerard R K
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Martin, Scott A
Najmabadi, Ardavan M
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn M
Thompson, Michael E
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
**Please notify me at if you have any information. Your kokua will be appreciated.
This is a list of classmates we are unable to locate. Can you help us find them?:
Asavasangsidhi, Therapat
Chang, David A K C
Chapman, Kenneth D
Chong, Kelly
Harris, Stephen P
Ho, Gregory L K
Kaneko, Jeffrey L
Konanui, Moku John
Lasconia, Michael L
Leong, Gerard R K
Lopes, Dennis Jr
Martin, Scott A
Najmabadi, Ardavan M
Ordenstien, Karl
Shirai, Wynn M
Thompson, Michael E
Topper, John R
Tracy, Patrick T
Young, William F K
**Please notify me at if you have any information. Your kokua will be appreciated.
Friday, November 6, 2009
November Golf!
To all Class of '79 golfers,
Tee Time at Hawaii Prince Golf Club at 10:00 on Sunday, November 15th. Let me know if you can make it by calling me at 277-0396 or email by Thursday the 12th. I hope to see alot of our classmates there.
Go Crusaders!
Dave Agor.
Tee Time at Hawaii Prince Golf Club at 10:00 on Sunday, November 15th. Let me know if you can make it by calling me at 277-0396 or email by Thursday the 12th. I hope to see alot of our classmates there.
Go Crusaders!
Dave Agor.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Halloween Costume at SLAA
Upcoming Event for 11-21-09
On Saturday, 11-21-09 @3pm hst, U of H play's it's last away game. We are planning a shindig to match the festivities that are slowly creeping up on us. This time an RSVP is need by Monday, 11-16-09, the more turnout the better. A hibachi/pulehu type gathering has been chosen, so call in to attend, more that likely open menu, we want to use the room adjacent to the back kitchen, that's why a headcount is needed. If you need any info or response call Tony at or Austin at hipowerdog@aolcom or Karlton at Mahalo
On Saturday, 11-21-09 @3pm hst, U of H play's it's last away game. We are planning a shindig to match the festivities that are slowly creeping up on us. This time an RSVP is need by Monday, 11-16-09, the more turnout the better. A hibachi/pulehu type gathering has been chosen, so call in to attend, more that likely open menu, we want to use the room adjacent to the back kitchen, that's why a headcount is needed. If you need any info or response call Tony at or Austin at hipowerdog@aolcom or Karlton at Mahalo
Class of '79 Monthly Meeting
Aloha a hui ho,
All those interested....our class' monthly meeting is going to be on Wednesday, 7pm, 11-04-09 at the Crusader Lounge. I encourage you all to come. At this point in time we are all looking for new ideas and lots of participation. Please show your faith in those who are trying to make a big turn around and get us back to one class. All for one and one for all!!!!
All those interested....our class' monthly meeting is going to be on Wednesday, 7pm, 11-04-09 at the Crusader Lounge. I encourage you all to come. At this point in time we are all looking for new ideas and lots of participation. Please show your faith in those who are trying to make a big turn around and get us back to one class. All for one and one for all!!!!
Class of '79 Crusader Lounge 10-31-09
Fellow Classmates,
Re: Sat. 10-31-09 U of H game watch at the Crusader Lounge.
Good job and good fun to all that participated. Many mahalo's to all in
attendance. Thanks to Libby and Austin Keanu for their dessert and chicken platters, Albert Nakanishi and Mel Pilien for their assortment of chicken platters, Scott Melendy and Anthony Souza for their monetary contribution to the kitty, William Tito for his shortrib platter and Karlton Borges for his assortment of poke's. Only one costume was decided on, because only one showed up. Albert Nakanishi had his face painted. 1/2 displayed a normal Albert and other 1/2 showed him skeletonized. Again thank you to all who attended. I appreciate all of you and your patience and understanding. Aloha!!!! Karlton
Re: Sat. 10-31-09 U of H game watch at the Crusader Lounge.
Good job and good fun to all that participated. Many mahalo's to all in
attendance. Thanks to Libby and Austin Keanu for their dessert and chicken platters, Albert Nakanishi and Mel Pilien for their assortment of chicken platters, Scott Melendy and Anthony Souza for their monetary contribution to the kitty, William Tito for his shortrib platter and Karlton Borges for his assortment of poke's. Only one costume was decided on, because only one showed up. Albert Nakanishi had his face painted. 1/2 displayed a normal Albert and other 1/2 showed him skeletonized. Again thank you to all who attended. I appreciate all of you and your patience and understanding. Aloha!!!! Karlton
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