E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Special Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 19

The Class of '79 will be holding a special meeting this Thursday, Feb. 19, at 6:30 pm at the SLAA Clubhouse. Subject of the meeting will be a recap of this year's Alumni Softball Tournament -- how it went, what worked, what didn't, and what we can do better. Short notice, but if you attended the tourney, it would be another good time to get together and talk story and plan for next year.

Here's a list of classmates who came to the tourney (in no particular order), with big mahalos especially to those Coach James mentioned in the last post. And huge props to James for coaching and getting all the t-shirts, caps and other memorabilia ordered and ready!

James Santos, Greg Martin, Greg Perry, Ben Kam, Austin Keanu, Kevin Siders, Mark Villanueva, Zach DeMello, Andrew Medeiros, David Agor, Albert Nakanishi, Aaron Manuel, William "Tuitama" Tito, Elliot Pimental, Hank George, Tracy Mizota, Anthony Souza, Bino Kanoa, Bartley Centeio, Randy Uyema, Steven Soong, Ben Gutierrez, Dwayne Arelliano.

We also have some t-shirts, caps, beanies and other items still available for sale. If you're interested, contact Coach James.

Let us know if we missed anyone! Also thanks to the families for turning out, cheering us on and spending the day with us. And we'll get the trophy back next year.

Softball Recap From Coach James

Men of Kalaepohaku,

I would like to give all of you a heartfelt Mahalo, for your help and generosity. For those of you that participated in the days events I know that the next day we all felt the pains of the day before. All the handshakes, hugs, laughs and smiles just wore me out.

As I reflected on the day I remembered several things. With our maturity we have not left behind our desire, determination and ability. We looked sharp on the field and had several compliments from other classes on our attire. Our cheerleaders gave us support at every game (Lorrie Santos, Libby Keanu, Jenny Centeio, Theresa Pimental) and for that I would like to thank you for celebrating your Valentines Day with us. It felt great to share triumphs and camaraderie with " The Men of 1979" I wish more of you could have been there to feel the waves of memories as Bino Kanoa and Greg Martin played the music of our life and a gathering of backup singers developed (some a little farther back then others). The day was truly a gathering of friends and families.

I would like to thank Tony Souza for his work behind the scenes giving us the foundation to succeed. Mark Villanueva for passing up on the first 2 games to setup the fire and food. Tracy Mizota for the chili and helping with the cooking duties. I would like to send a hug to our associate members, my three sons (Rory, Joshua, Zach) for spending the day helping me with the days events, and to my wife Lorrie for cooking the ham and Spanish rice the night before, and for making a wonderful dessert for everyone. Austin and Libby Keanu for the kebobs, Tuitama (aka William Tito) for the beverages, Ben Gutierrez for taking pictures and posting to the blog site, and anyone I may have missed, Mahalo.

A special thanks to our sponsors:

Golden Crusaders: Aaron Manuel, Tony Souza, Zach Demello, Greg Perry, Randy Uyema.

Silver Crusaders: Greg Frey, Austin Keanu, William Tito, Steven Soong

Red & Blue Crusaders: Elliott Pimental, David Agor, Hank George, Bino Kanoa, Andrew Medeiros

We are truly blessed to share a bond that will always light our life's path. Again gentlemen a sincere Mahalo. Hopefully there will be more involvement next year and you gentlemen will be involved a little earlier then this year so that an even better event can be planned.

"Your Classmate, Friend, Brother"
James J. Santos

Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Beautiful Day For Some Softball

The 2009 St. Louis Alumni Softball Tournament was held today at Ke`ehi Lagoon, with a good representation from the Class of '79. The team and a few of the spectators are pictured above.

There was a little bit of rain during our game with the Class of '80. Who won? Details and more photos in the next post. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Softball Tourney Schedule

Here's the latest schedule information from the SLAA Sports Committee for this Saturday's Softball Tournament:

Everybody gets to play 4 games. There are three fields. Field 1 is the small field by the lagoon. Field 2 is the one by the bathroom with the backstop. Field three will be the one with the portable backstop. Site TBD. Let me know if you see any problems or discrepancies with the schedule.

Blue 74 , 77, 79 , 80 , 82/84 , 87
Red 96 , 00 , 01A , 01B , 07

Field 1: 77- 80
Field 2: 79-87
Field 3: 96-00

Field 1: 74–82/84
Field 2: 01A-01B
Field 3: 96-07

Field 1: 79-82/84
Field 2: 77-87
Field 3: 00-01A

Field 1: 74-80
Field 2: 96-01-B
Field 3: 00-07

Field 1: 77-79
Field 2: 82/84-87
Field 3: 96-01A

Field 1: 74-87
Field 2: 79-80
Field 3: 01B-07

Field 1: (none)
Field 2: 80-82/84
Field 3: 00-01B

Field 1: (none)
Field 2: 74-77
Field 3: 01A-07

See you folks all on Saturday. Please remember our conduct and good sportsmanship. While the Men Of Kalaepohaku are always competitive we are among brothers and should respect each one as such. Have fun and be safe. Take care of this tournament as it is ours--no one else in the State can say they have had such an alumni activity for 21 years in a row!! Other sporting events are being explored. Many want to imitate us but only a select few can call themselves Crusaders. Memor Et Fidelis!

SL Softball Tourney This Weekend!

Men of Kalaepohaku,

Here are a few items to chew on before the 14th of February;

1) The tournament is only one day so please make the effort to participate.

2) We will be collecting $25.00 (actual cost $40 per player) from each participant for the BBcap & Raglan jersey. As you can see by the prices listed below for these items cost $30.00, we are offering the discounted price to encourage participation. There is also nothing in there for the tournament fee of $200.00. Monetary donations by your classmates have made this possible. We would like to put those donations toward other activities in the future, so your donation will be greatly appreciated.

3) We will have 4 games that day;

a) 0830 v ‘87
b) 1030 v ‘82/’84
c) 1230 v ’77 (bragging rights)
d) 1330 v ’80 (perpetual trophy match)

4) Bring your own refreshments and some for others if possible.

5) Potluck food would be appreciated; grills and stoves will be available.

6) Donations will be accepted at the event. Also we will have merchandise for sale.
Please bring funds to help the cause and purchase some nice merchandise. Presale
of items has already started. To reserve your items call James @ 428-0575.

a) BBcap with embroidered Crusader $12.00
b) Raglan BB jersey with printing $18.00
c) Drawstring bag w/ embroidered crusader $10.00
d) Men of Kalaepohaku shirt w/ printing $15.00
e) Men of Kalaepohaku beanie w/ embroidered crusader $10.00

7) Lagoon Park opens at 0700; we will be there to setup and claim our space. Help is
needed to setup have some breakfast and start the festivities.

8) Donations will be accepted all day;

1) Donation of $100.00 gets you a BBcap, Raglan Jersey and a Drawstring Bag
a $40.00 value.

2) Donation of $200.00 gets you all 5 items listed above a $65.00 value

9) The Alumni Association will be looking to sign up anyone not already a member that
day for $12.00 a year.

10) A few rules for the tournament to ensure fairness, safety and fun.

a) All batters start with a full count, 1 foul ball mulligan per batter.
b) No Metal Cleats
c) 55 minute games no grace period
d) Bases 60 ft, pitching distance 45 ft
e) Dbl bag first base, you may overrun all bags without attempting to advance
f) No sliding
g) A no return line between 3rd and home.
h) Runners do not step on home plate or you will be out. Defensive play at home;
no tagging of the runner only tagging of the plate.
i) A 14in outseam ball will be used

Gentlemen remember you don’t need to play to enjoy this event, and help in any area is always appreciated. This is for fun, fellowship and families, so please spend a little time or the whole day with us on February 14th. So gents start your stretches and warm ups.


James Santos

Friday, February 6, 2009

SL Basketball Standings

The Honolulu Advertiser has the current ILH Division I Varsity Basketball Standings -- and the Crusaders have a 4-2 record under first-year head coach Dwight Moniz. Good going!

There are still a few more games left. Show Coach Dwight the team your support!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meeting Reminder

Tonight is the monthly meeting for the Class of '79 at the SLAA Clubhouse at 6.30 pm. Topics include the Softball Tournament right around the corner, and the upcoming 30th Reunion.

Here are a few photos from the last meeting held a few weeks ago at the clubhouse. Coach James Santos talks about the softball tournament plans, while Tracy Mizota is in charge of the reunion activities. If you want the latest on the reunion and the softball tourney, you can click on the links up top.

We also had a few other folks there, including William T., Dwayne A. and Mark V. Scott M. was also there, but was most likely getting a refreshment refill.

Make sure you also have your input on this year's important events. You can attend the meeting (every first Thursday of the month), or e-mail us at the address above. All questions, concerns and input are welcome!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pro Bowl Event @ LEVEL 4

(A little something forwarded by Steven Soong '79 -- if you're into the Pro Bowl and have time Thursday night at LEVEL 4 in Waikiki.)

Come join Warren Moon, Tony Gonzalez and all of your favorite football stars at the PRO BOWL PLAYER PARTY!! Mix, meet and mingle with 50-60 of football's most accomplished players before you root for them on Sunday. This legendary party has been hosted by the unstoppable Warren Moon for the past 9 years and is the place to be. Not only will you get up close and personal with the players, the HOTTEST cheerleaders in nation will be there too!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Men of Kalaepohaku Softball Tourney T-Shirts

Click on photo to enlarge

Coach James Santos '79 has gone above and beyond the call of duty and designed these awesome ringer t-shirts that will be available for purchase at the upcoming softball tournament on Saturday, February 14, at Ke`ehi Lagoon Park.

The front features a Crusader; the back has a photo of the St. Louis Kalaepohaku campus when it opened in 1928.

Another Class of '79 team t-shirt design will also be available, along with a baseball cap and beanie, for sale at the tournament.

Exact price for the "Men of Kalaepohaku" tee is still to be determined, but it will be between $15 - $20. Help support Coach James and the Class of '79!