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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

SL Softball Tourney This Weekend!

Men of Kalaepohaku,

Here are a few items to chew on before the 14th of February;

1) The tournament is only one day so please make the effort to participate.

2) We will be collecting $25.00 (actual cost $40 per player) from each participant for the BBcap & Raglan jersey. As you can see by the prices listed below for these items cost $30.00, we are offering the discounted price to encourage participation. There is also nothing in there for the tournament fee of $200.00. Monetary donations by your classmates have made this possible. We would like to put those donations toward other activities in the future, so your donation will be greatly appreciated.

3) We will have 4 games that day;

a) 0830 v ‘87
b) 1030 v ‘82/’84
c) 1230 v ’77 (bragging rights)
d) 1330 v ’80 (perpetual trophy match)

4) Bring your own refreshments and some for others if possible.

5) Potluck food would be appreciated; grills and stoves will be available.

6) Donations will be accepted at the event. Also we will have merchandise for sale.
Please bring funds to help the cause and purchase some nice merchandise. Presale
of items has already started. To reserve your items call James @ 428-0575.

a) BBcap with embroidered Crusader $12.00
b) Raglan BB jersey with printing $18.00
c) Drawstring bag w/ embroidered crusader $10.00
d) Men of Kalaepohaku shirt w/ printing $15.00
e) Men of Kalaepohaku beanie w/ embroidered crusader $10.00

7) Lagoon Park opens at 0700; we will be there to setup and claim our space. Help is
needed to setup have some breakfast and start the festivities.

8) Donations will be accepted all day;

1) Donation of $100.00 gets you a BBcap, Raglan Jersey and a Drawstring Bag
a $40.00 value.

2) Donation of $200.00 gets you all 5 items listed above a $65.00 value

9) The Alumni Association will be looking to sign up anyone not already a member that
day for $12.00 a year.

10) A few rules for the tournament to ensure fairness, safety and fun.

a) All batters start with a full count, 1 foul ball mulligan per batter.
b) No Metal Cleats
c) 55 minute games no grace period
d) Bases 60 ft, pitching distance 45 ft
e) Dbl bag first base, you may overrun all bags without attempting to advance
f) No sliding
g) A no return line between 3rd and home.
h) Runners do not step on home plate or you will be out. Defensive play at home;
no tagging of the runner only tagging of the plate.
i) A 14in outseam ball will be used

Gentlemen remember you don’t need to play to enjoy this event, and help in any area is always appreciated. This is for fun, fellowship and families, so please spend a little time or the whole day with us on February 14th. So gents start your stretches and warm ups.


James Santos

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