E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

50/50 for Saint Louis!

Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:

Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Softball Tourney Time Coming Up!

Just a reminder that the February 2009 Softball Tournament is around the corner (Presidents Day weekend). So start getting out and stretching before the Holidays quickly approach us!

Any questions for the softball tournament will be handled by James Santos and his committee. We're also in the process of orderig our 2009 softball shirts. The order will be made in response to sizes given to James, so don't miss out on yours.

Tony'79 vice-chair (events committee)

P.S. Please support Dwight Moniz and his St.Louis Varsity Crusaders coming soon to a Gym near you. Mahalo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are the shirts sizes.Last couple of years unable to fit in sizes ordered.Do they come in 5X and pink.Mahalo (early worm catches the bird.)