More names have been added and updated as of 2.10.09
For privacy reasons and to prevent spammers and hackers, we are not going to make the e-mail addresses public on this site. Instead, we are going to list classmates for whom we have a current e-mail address, a phone number and/or a postal address.
Please check to see if your name is on the list below. If you didn't get an e-mail, or if you did get the e-mail and the information is correct, let us know so we know it's okay.
If you are not on this list, or know of any other classmates who are not on this list, or would like to update your e-mail address(es), please e-mail us so we can update the list.
Update: Some of you have already responded via e-mail with confirmations and updates; those names, and the names of those whose e-mails we have confirmed by other means, are in bold italics. Mahalo! We also have a lot of e-mails that bounced back as "undeliverable," so please update your e-mail address when you can.
- Abbey, Alex
- Abram, Ellis
- Agor, David
- Angelo, Carl
- Aoki, George
- Apuna, John
- Aquino, Kevin
- Arelliano, Dwayne
- Au, Chad
- Bassett, Mark
- Benevedes, Brian
- Borges, Karlton
- Briones, Randy
- Burton, James
- Centeio, Bartley
- Chun, Anthony
- Chun, Darryl
- Chun, Lordric
- Costa, Kevin
- Cullen, Gerald
- Davis, Kawika
- Deponte, Robert
- Dureg, Byron
- Evora, Gary
- Fernandez, John
- Fontanilla, Charles
- Forsythe, James
- Freitas, Eric
- Frey, Greg
- Funakoshi, Kevin
- George, Hank
- Go, Lawrence
- Goo, Jon
- Goo, Paul
- Grado, Milton
- Graff, Eddie
- Gustie, Thomas
- Gutierrez, Ben.
- Hayes, Christopher
- Hebert, Stephen
- Honda, Justin
- Honold, John
- Ignacio, Gary
- Ingel, Alex
- Ishikawa, Stephen
- Jordan, Matt
- Kam, Ben
- Kamakana, Rex
- Kanoa, Harrigan "Bino"
- Kashiwabara, Grant
- Kawamura, Stacey
- Keanu, Austin
- Kijowski, Anthony
- Kirihara, Eric
- LaPierre, Roland
- Laszloffy, Jeff
- Lau, Robert
- Leu, Clinton
- Look, Damian
- Low, Curtis
- Lum, Gerard
- Lum, Gregory
- Lum, Kirbin
- Lung, Greg
- Luster, Eugene
- Maehara, Gary
- Makini, Hank
- Makuakane, Patrick
- Manayan, Conrad
- Manuel, Aaron
- Mathers, Thomas
- Mathews, Jeff
- Medeiros, Andrew
- Melendy, Scott
- Meyer, Mike
- Mizota, Tracy
- Moniz, Dwight
- Murnin, Steven
- Nakama, Randy
- Nakanishi, Albert
- Nakanishi, Nathan
- Oneha, James
- Pedro, Albert
- Perry, Greg
- Philips, Bob
- Pilien, Mel
- Pimental, Elliott
- Puchalski, John
- Rabut, Bernard
- Rapoza, Roy
- Resentes, Derek
- Sakamoto, Mike
- Sakamoto, Neal
- Santos, James
- Shintani, David
- Siders, Kevin
- Sinnott, Tom
- Soong, Steven
- Souza, Tony
- Speck, Robert
- Tito, William
- Tolentino, Bryan
- Uyema, Randy
- Valente, Russell
- Villanueva, Mark
- Ward, Eric
- Watts, Ken
- Wong, Glenn
- Wong, Thomas
- Yamaguchi, Dean
- Ylarde, Roland
- Yocom, James
- Yoshimura, Roy
- Yost, Charles
- Young, Ben
- Young, Henry
Tony S. '79 (Events Committee)
Ben. G./Mark V. (Blogger Guys)
1 comment:
Can u guys let me know when you get in touch with G.Aoki.He still owes me money from high school,with interest I hope.
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