E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

50/50 for Saint Louis!

Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:

Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SLAA Alumni Luau This Sunday


It's still not too late to reserve a table for your class at this Sunday's Alumni Luau. This will be a "memorable and milestone" event for the House & Entertainment Committee. The caterer that will be providing the Hawaiian Food promises to surprise the alumni with the quality and ambiance of the "old style" luau.

Your presence and support of the Eric Young '80 and the House and Entertainment Committee is greatly appreciated. We promise that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Please RSVP to the SLAA by e-mail (address below) and leave your credit card information or you may pay at the door.
Mahalo for your support,
Bob Takei
Executive Director
St. Louis Alumni Association
Tel: (808) 949-6633
Fax: (808) 949-6673
Email: slaa001@hawaii.rr.com

Friday, August 21, 2009

Reunion Meeting Recap from Tracy Mizota

Aloha Fellow Classmates,

It was great to see Karlton Borges, Mel Pilien, David Agor, and Tony Souza at the meeting. We discussed the possible golf and dinner events for the reunion in Las Vegas. David Agor asks that everyone who plans on playing golf in Las Vegas either on Friday/Sunday call him @ 277-0396 or email him ddjcagor@yahoo.com by August 31, 2009 . He needs to get a head count of who is playing when and if you want to rent clubs ($40-75) at the courses.

The reunion committee will have one last meeting on Wednesday Sept. 9, 2009 @ 6:30 pm at the St.Louis Alumni Clubhouse before we leave the following week. See you there!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Class Meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 19!


This month's class meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 2009, at the SLAA Clubhouse. We have taken the regular monthly meeting down from the Web site and will be scheduling meetings on the fly until we can secure a more stable date and time for classmates. Please be patient with us.

The upcoming meeting will begin tentatively at 6 p.m., give or take 15 minutes, or when most classmates are accounted for. This week's topics will be:

1) Final wrap on the Las Vegas reunion events,
2) Making preps for event at clubhouse (U.H. game 9/19),
3) Continuing efforts to locate classmates and information for class directory,
4) Alumni memberships and annual Luau,
5) Trying to put the right people in the right jobs for future class success,
6) Financial stuff.

If you have any concerns or ideas on these or other matters please show up at the clubhouse,pass it on to someone who will be there,or leave a comment on the blog-site. Mahalo!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SLAA Luau & ''79 Get-Together

Just to give a heads up, the SLAA annual Luau will be the end of this month on August 30th. Flyers will be headed out soon; for those who are not SLAA members this is just to advise you if you are not on the list.

Also we will be looking into a get-together at the clubhouse for those who can't make it to Las Vegas, missed the stag or dinner, and want to get together for the U.H. football game telecast at the clubhouse. The meeting will take place this week. If you're interested or have a comment, call Karlton B. at 293-9339 or e-mail me.

Mahalo and thank you for your time.
Tony S. '79,
Sports Committee

Start Pitching in Now for Softball 2010!

'79 Classmates,

Byron D. will be taking over the coaching duties for the 2010 softball tourney. Please support Byron anyway that you can!

Also Aaron M. will be in charge of the cooking duties, set-up,take-down tents, tables, chairs, coolers, grilles, etc. Please feel free to help Aaron M.and support the cause.

The Softball Tournament will take place President Day weekend, 2010, at Keʻehi Lagoon. For photos of this year's event, click on the "Softball" label below this post.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Congratulations to Coach Byron


The Final votes are in,and Byron D. will be heading-up the Softball 2010 duties with the support of classmates. Also, please read James S.'s letter (click here) if you haven't already on the blog-site. Congrats to Byron and all of you who part in our voting.

Also, it was a long week with reunion (Hawaii) events. Thanks to All that supported and contributed to these events.

Sports Committee

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mahalo From Tracy Mizota

Aloha Fellow Classmates,

I would like thank all of the Classmates who attended the Hawaii events for our 30th Reunion. It was especially nice to see Jeff Mathews, who came all the way from Waco, Texas. It was great seeing classmates and their wives at the get-together at the Alumni Clubhouse and at the Buffet Dinner. Reminiscing, catching up, and just having a blast was had by all. For those of you who would like to attend the Las Vegas portion of our 30th Reunion (Sept 18-20) you still have a little time left to make arrangements and to contact me.

We are hoping that many more classmates will forward to us their current contact information either through the class website, face book, other classmates, or by any other means so that we can get future class event info to you. Hope to see you in Vegas!

Tracy Mizota
tm_@hotmail.com or 808-227-6900

The 30th Reunion Banquet

Reunion Dinner 8.2.09 - Front L-R: Kevin Costa, Bryan Tolentino, Bino Kanoa, Dwight Moniz, Greg Perry, Cody Correa, David Agor. Back Row: Dwayne Arelliano, Eric Kirihara, James Oneha, Ben Kam, Mark Villanueva, Kevin Siders, Ben. Gutierrez, Greg Frey, Mel Pilien, Albert Nakanishi, Grant Kashiwabara, Tracy Mizota, Kai Murata, Dean Murata, Karlton Borges, Roland Ylarde, Hank George

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

REMINDER; Sunday Night at the Pagoda

Aloha classmates!

From Tracy Mizota, here are the details on our get-together Sunday, August 2, at the Pagoda Hotel.

  • We will be using the "East Banquet Room" at the Pagoda Hotel.
  • Parking at hotel is $5.00 w/ validation stamp at reception table.
  • Buffet dinner is $30 per person. Doors open at 6 pm Dinner is between 7 - 8 pm.
  • Beer and Wine can be purchased from wait staff between 6 - 9 pm.
If you have any questions, please contract Tracy at tm_@hotmail.com

Friday Night's Attendees

At least 33 gentlemen of the Class of '79 made it out to the SLAA Clubhouse Friday for a night of food, drinks and talking story. They were:
  • Dave Agor
  • Dwayne Arelliano
  • Karlton Borges
  • Kevin Costa
  • Greg Frey
  • Hank George
  • Lawrence Go
  • Ben. Gutierrez
  • Alex Ingel
  • Stephen Ishikawa
  • Rex Kamakana
  • Curtis Low
  • Greg Lung
  • Aaron Manuel
  • Jeff Mathews (Waco, Texas)
  • Andrew Medeiros
  • Scott Melendy
  • Dru Miyata
  • Tracy Mizota
  • Dwight Moniz
  • Dean Murata
  • Albert Nakanishi
  • Greg Perry
  • Mel Pilien
  • Elliot Pimental
  • Craig Seno
  • Kevin Siders
  • Anthony Souza
  • William Tito
  • Russell Valente
  • Mark Villanueva
  • James Yocom
  • Henry Young
Photos will be published soon! And if you were there and you don't see your name here, let us know! Otherwise, see you Sunday night at the Pagoda Hotel.

Friday Night at the SLAA Clubhouse