Howzit everyone! If you've been checking this blog from time to time, you know it hasn't been updated quite as often as it should. That's
nobody's fault, really. Sometimes we're overtaken by events.
Having a blog or two (or three) myself, I know that trying to maintain just one is hard work. My goal is to keep it updated on at least a weekly basis. And the posts may come faster and furiouser (Mr. Rosa is spinning!) as we get closer to our 30th Reunion (gasp!) 2009. That's next year!
You can help. How? Easy. No need to know html codes and stuff like that. Not of all of us know that kind of thing: That's what our teenage kids are for. I don't have any, so somehow I have to know. Let me worry about it. If you have an update on what's going on in your life, or something to share with the rest of the class (that's legal), or some really cool photos of what you've been into, simply e-mail it to slhs1979 (at) (I write it that way to avoid spam getting into the inbox. Replace the (at) with @, of course. I'm dragging you, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century). You can also write your own post if you want, e-mail it to that address, and I'll post it for you. If you have a photo album on the web (i.e. Flickr, Photobucket) and want us to link the blog to it, I'll do that for you, too.
We'll try to post more stuff, including your contributions. And we'll try to put up more pictures, too.
There's a little place at the end of each post where you can leave a comment on a post. Some of you have used it already. Keep doing that. And spread the word to the rest of the class about the the blog. Otay?
Before I close, I have to thank Mark V. for starting this. He put it online and made it look good, which isn't the easiest thing. Let's make this work for all of us, and let's have some fun with it while we're at it.