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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nominations for Board of Directors now being accepted.

As of 11-4-09, President Mark Villanueva has stepped down from his post. Therefore, the BOD is now accepting nominees for President. As of
11-04-09, Melvin Pilien has been the only one nominated for the Post. A new post of Vice President was created with the drafting of a new Constitution and By-laws. As of 11-04-09, there has only been one nomination for Vice President and that was Karlton Borges. Secretary Greg Perry and Treasurer Michael Meyer have not decided on their respective futures. Nominations will be acepted till 12-2-09. Voting will commence from 12-3-09 through 01-06-10. Results will be posted by 02-03-09 and at that time all newly elected officers shall be sworn in and their respective terms of office will commence.

Cast your vote by contacting the following Ben Gutierrez, hokupaa@gmail.com, Mark Villanueva, markrv@gmail.com, Kreston Aoki, insuranceguy1979@yahoo.com, Glenn Wong, gwong061@msn.com, and Conrad Manayan, rad0207@yahoo.com. In the next blog, I'll post the Constitution and By-Laws all for your review and comments. Again, this is for our benefit, our future as well as keeping our friendship strong and unbreakable. Mahalo.......... Karlton

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