E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking Back: 20th Reunion Photos

Blast From the Past: The 20th Reunion, August 1999!

Stag Night at the SLAA Clubhouse

Dinner at Dole Cannery Ballrooms

Mark V. is uploading more photos, so there's more coming!


Anonymous said...

Wow,look how far we've come.Keep it coming.Hope to see more classmates commenting Aloha Lives Here.

cruzin said...

Mahalos to all those classmates who are involved with making our Class web site bigger and better. Like Ben G. and Mark V. said if you want to contribute any pictures to send it to the email address. Hope to see some more blast from the past!!!! Also, spread the word (near and far) about our Class web site so other classmates can get in touch with us. Aloha