E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Web page of the St. Louis Class of 1979!

50/50 for Saint Louis!

Join your classmates in raising $50,000 for Saint Louis by our 50th graduation anniversary! Find out more and donate now by clicking here:

Got news? E-mail us at slhs1979@gmail.com

Friday, September 26, 2008

MIA 79ers: We're Looking For You


We have been trying to constantly update e-mail addresses and phone numbers, and Ben G. has taken on the responsibility of keeping everything straight and updated. For some odd reason(s), you e-mail adresses may be on file, but may not be active, or you haven't responded with a new e-mail address. Please send Ben your current information (Ben's note: e-mail them to the Gmail address at the top of the blog) so our hard efforts won't go to waste.

With the 30th year reunion right around the corner, it is vital that we reach as many classmates as possible. So if you see, talk to or hear of/from any classmate in your area, please pass on the information. It's every classmate's responsiblity to get this information to us, so that classmates who do want to attend events, meetings and reunions won't get left out in the cold. We only have a few more of these left, so we might as well enjoy them while we can.

Mahalo as always,
Tony '79, Vice-Chair Events Committee

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bowling Night Photos

Photos Courtesy of Mark V.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bowling Night A Success

Crusaders, the Events Commitee would like to thank all classmates, families and friends who took part in the 1st Annual Family and Friends Bowling Tournament. It was a real success for the committee. Since it was the first one, we tried to keep it real simple and easy. No scores were noted, but I noticed a few ringers in the bunch. We will have a bowling recap to follow.

We will also be taking comments to heart as to whether we want to continue having this event or move on to something else. For those who weren't able to attend, you missed a real nice event. Thanks to all!

Tony '79, Vice Chair, Events Committee

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Support Coach Dwight Moniz!

Aloha to All my classmates,

I wanted to share with all of you some good news I received. I recently got hired as St. Louis High School's Varsity Basketball coach. This has been a dream of mine for a very long time and I finally had the opportunity to do something about it. I accepted the position with much Honor and Humility and I am looking forward to being able to give back to a school that has given me so much to me in my lifetime. Without St. Louis I would not have had the pleasure of knowing you, my classmates and friends.

I would love to see all of you in the stands at our games this year as we embark on what may hopefully be a new era at St. Louis. I hope to leave a little footprint in our school by trying very hard to instill the values we all learned at SLH. Thanks for allowing me to share this with all of you, and I hope to see you in the stands.

Memor et fideles,

Dwight Moniz

Bowling Tournament Reminder!

To all bowlers: Tonight's the big 1st Annual Bowling Tournament at Aiea Bowl. Good luck to all! Don't forget to bring your "A" game.

Mahalo to all in attendance,
Tony '79

Thursday, September 18, 2008

News From Classmate Tom Wong

I am now teaching at The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone (California). I have been here for two years. Our school is located in St. Helena, the heart of Napa Valley. We are in the old Christian Brothers Winery. The building was donated to our school after the 1993 earthquake that condemned the building. The original design firm did the refurbishing for fractions on the dollar as a result of it being donated to us.

Anyway, keep in touch and hope to see everyone next year. Should you be in the Napa Valley area, do drop me a call and let’s drink some “juice.”

Tom Wong

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gerard Lum Writes from North Carolina!

Aloha Fellow Alumnus from Class of '79,

Just got the flyer for our 30th Class Reunion in the mail! Unfortunately, it was forwarded from my previous address we were at three years ago (my fault). That will be resolved with my updated info.

What an awesome idea! Many thanks to those who coordinated and had the foresight and organization abilities to plan this event so far in advance! It really is a huge help in planning our family events for the year as well as well as getting travel arrangements together. I hope it will work out for my wife and I to attend...she has never been to Vegas and has been looking for an excuse to visit.

Attached is a pic of the family on vacation (July '07) at Outer Banks, NC: wife, Catherine and daughters Noelani (8) and Luana (6).

Malama Pono, Gerard

If you have news or pics you want to share, send them to slhs1979@gmail.com

Golf Get-Together Coming Up

For all '79 classmates: Our next golf outing is Sunday, October 19th, 10:40 am at Olomana. Let me know if you can make it. Call me at 808-277-0396 or email ddjcagor@yahoo.com. See you there.

Dave Agor

Bowling Tournament Update

Final payment was made Saturday for our bowling tourney, which is Saturday, Sept. 20, from 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm at Aiea Bowl. The Events Committee has fronted the monies for those participants who were unable to make payments to our class treasurer. We will be accepting payments the day of the event.

If you didn't sign up, classmates, families and friends are still welcome to stop on by the bowling alley and check out the entertainment. (There might be some cancellations, which might make room for others.) A small fee will be collected.

I like to personally thank all those involved to make this all possible. Also, if you are unable to make the date but want to make a contribution to the class anyway, please get a hold of Mike M. and make arrangements; all are appreciated.

Events Committee Tony'79

Some Quick Updates

Your blogmaster is back from vacation and is trying to get caught up with a lot of stuff you guys left. Which is a good thing, because it means you're using this space!

Mahalo to those of you who have sent us your correct and/or updated e-mail addresses; note that there's a lot of names that are in bold italics who have done so. By the way, if you haven't been getting e-mails at the correct address yet, we're still trying to compile and update them all. They should be done shortly, and you'll get the updated list. Meantime, the post with the names of classmates may get bumped up in the blog in a bit so that it'll stay on the front page. We'll be adding more names as well.

In the meantime, for the latest, check in here at the blog. More updates shortly.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Varsity Football Schedule

In the post below, Greg Frey talks about the SLAA hosting the tailgate party in the Aloha Stadium spiral for SLAA members. This will happen when Saint Louis plays the feature game at 7:45 pm, with the dinner between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. Here are the dates according to the Saint Louis School Web site:

  • Saturday, Sept. 13 against Punahou
  • Friday, Sept. 19 against Kamehameha
  • Saturday, Oct. 4 against Iolani
  • Friday, Oct. 24 against Damien

Thursday, September 4, 2008

SLAA Update from Greg Frey

Here's an update from classmate Greg Frey, who's a vice president with the St. Louis Alumni Association:

The SLAA elections recently took place and I was up for re-election. I was fortunate enough to be re-elected for my third three -year term. I took second place out of three directors elected. I sent our class a postcard asking for your vote, and I really appreciate everyone who did vote for me. I hope that someday, many more members of our great class will become active, dues-paying SLAA members. I trust that day will soon come!

SLAA recently had its annual Labor Day Luau, attended by about 150 or so SLAA members and guests. While I was the only 1979 guy there, it was good fun (Mel Cabang was unreal funny!). My brother Grant (recently retired as police chief at MCBH and Kaiser '79, and his son, SLS 2007) won the grand raffle prize -- round trip tickets for two and a car to Maui on the Superferry, and hotel for two nights! We are going to take our motorcycles over for a weekend ride!

Lastly, the SLAA Membership Committee will again host the tailgate dinner in the Aloha Stadium spiral. FREE to all SLAA active members (bring your membership cards) and $5.00 for guests. HINT: I enrolled my brother and wife, Mia, as ASSOCIATE members of SLAA, so they eat free too and get all the benefits of SLAA! Each of you should enroll your spouses/S.O.

Well, that's it from the SLAA. Remember, all '79 classmates should use and enjoy the SLAA. It's YOUR association!

Greg Frey '79, SLAA Vice President